bloodsoaked blurs. (A/F)

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Either way, you get one! <33
Probably will contain blood and cursing !  If ur not comfy with that, scroll awaaaay <3
p.s. sorry for it taking such a while to update, or sort of lost interest shrug :]


The last thing he remembered was darkness.
Unintelligible words fading off into a blur, dreams of loud booms and ringing in his ears, almost loud enough to be real. They reminded him of something, something that even as hard as he dug and he searched through his brain, he just couldn't find.

That was when he woke up, vision blurry, the sting of a fresh cut burned as something was pressed against it, a certain shape that he recognized to be.. something. His brain was too foggy to make out what exactly the small white and orange stick had been, the wafts of gray that were released from the end of it.

He tried to get familiar with his surroundings, but nothing made sense. It felt like he was sleeping, for a long, long time.

"Wakey, wakey, my friend."

Was coughed out, the heavy, thick accent was unfamiliar to him. He turned his head up, squinting at the dark blur of a figure that stood before him.

"Ah, there we are. Didn't want our most valuable asset to flatline on us, now would we?"

There was a chuckle that rang out in the silence, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut. Things felt so loud, so different. He didn't even know where he was.

"We've retrieved you from the Americans, but I decided I had a better idea, da?"

The voice questioned, forcing his head up. His features were more visible now, a rugged face with messy, short black hair. He forced out a heavy breath, one that felt like he'd been holding in forever.

"So, you might not understand much now, but we're going to attach this to you, see?"

He held up a small device that was soon shoved into his ear. He returned his gaze back to the stranger once he was done

"Your mission, is to kill this fellow, da?"

He held up a photo of a blonde, short hair, blue eyes, a complete stranger. And yet, there was something about him that seemed so.. familiar.

"Your code name is 'asset'. I will be giving you a set of words at a given time, you'll know what to do then. For now, get changed, your uniforms on the bench. I'll be straight down the hall, see me once you're done."

he nodded, standing. He watched the other leave, making his way over to the bench, a small mirror was hung on the wall. He took a good look at himself, long, brown hair, frosty blue eyes, fair skin, and scars littering his face.

he undressed, slipping the uniform on as told. The brunette got a good look around the room he was in, nothing worth taking interest in. That was until something shiny caught his eye, making him force himself to the stand, carefully scooping up a necklace, thin rounded out silver plates hung from the chain, it took him a minute, but he read it to be 'James 'Bucky' Barnes' with dates and a small phrase on the back of one.

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