chapter 1 : Hard decisions

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It was early morning and Lionel was in a sore mood especially after he talked to his boyfriend Morgan last night. He remembered how he heard noises from his background as his dad was busy harassing his brother Mike and Marvin. Morgan was outside working to get money to be able to feed the family. Morgan was worried when he heard Lionel's tears. His heart melted and he was craving so hard to just hold him tell him that all will be fine.

Morgan : honey , what's wrong ?

Lionel : I want to rescue you. I can just give you the money to save your brother Mike and Marvin

Morgan : sweet heart I don't want you getting hurt

Lionel : I'll be careful. You can just say your boss was kind enough to let you have the rest also its been days since we last met

Morgan : I need to see you too. I can't stand seeing you cry and not be able to hold you

He went to his brother's room. He knew their story so he helped him take a couple coins. He hated seeing his brother worried all the time so he helps him with their relationship

Leo : will he be visiting again ? He can stay since mom and dad are out this whole week

Lionel : for real. You don't mind ?

Leo : I'm a Prince Lionel. I have to be Kind to everyone since I'm going to be king one day. Hey go save him ok. I'll help you ok

Lionel : You were purposely born with a heart. I love you to death

Leo : love you too

When they finally meet , Morgan just jumps into Lionel's arms as he gently dries his tears. Morgan looked pale and alongside him were Mike and Marvin. They'd been badly injured and needed medical attention. Someone had called the police on their dad and now they were safe. Lionel explained the situation to Leo and helped rush his brother's boyfriend family to hospital. Morgan was worried sick but he eased when he saw Lionel beside him. I have to check on Leo. He's the next King and his life is in my hands

Lionel : are you ok ?

Leo : I was asleep. Is everything and everyone ok

Lionel : yes thank you. His dad is in prison and his brothers are being treated

Leo : good. I'll have bodyguards outside their room

Lionel : we don't want attention

Leo : its ok

Lionel : I'm getting tired. I'll be home soon

Later that night , Morgan snuck in Lionel's room to find him awake at one in the morning

Lionel : you scared me sweet heart. Leo's asleep so be quiet please

Morgan's POV

Seeing Lionel smiling again is my main weakness. I hadn't expected to end up with someone as beautiful as he is. People say I'm in for him because he's rich and I want his money but I'd die if anything was to happen to him. He looked amazing in his pj's and he liked the color black because his room was all black but his PJs were blue. I jumped on his bed tickling him as he laughed the amazing laugh I loved and craved to hear again. I got tired but he wanted to play again so I had no choice but to still tickle him some more till he got tired. One time my dad nearly beat him up but l was hit instead and now I saw him stare at the black scar on my skin and he hugged me again

Morgan : you know I'll never let anyone hurt you

Lionel : I know but I want you out of misery starting tomorrow.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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