Hook - Listen To Your Heart

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Author's Note: This is a one shot but if you'd like a part 2 or a whole story on Hook or any other wrestlers from any promotion just message me. I will take requests.

The song this one is named after is Listen To Your Heart by The Maine.

I was in the locker room when I heard a loud commotion coming from outside. I opened the door to a crack to peak out. That's when I saw him. All I knew was his name. It was Hook.

I saw one of my friends grab Hook and try to throw him into the wall but he was able to counter it and sent my friend flying across the room.

Hook looked in the direction of my locker room and winked before simply grabbing his FTW championship while walking down the hall.

Later that day my friends and I were in the catering area for lunch. As I was getting my food Hook was in front of me in line. I decided apologizing to him for my friends would be a good idea.

"Hey Hook, I'm sorry for what my friends did to you earlier. Ya know jumping you in the hallway. I didn't know that was going to happen." I said sheepishly. I had never spoken to him before this moment. Thinking back on it now he rarely even speaks to most people.

"No worries love." He said. I was shocked to hear him say anything at all. He winked at me again as he walked away with his food.

"Was he bothering you?" I jumped I hadn't noticed my friend Ethan walk up behind me.

"No, not at all." I said to him.

"Good cause if he did I'd jump him again." He said.

Ethan walked off with his food. I didn't know where to go in that moment I was mad at my friends for jumping Hook so I wasn't going to sit with them. At the same time I couldn't just go sit with Hook they would think I had betrayed them. So I picked the next best option I went and sat with Chris Jericho.

"Hey it's been a while what are you up to kiddo?!" Chris greeted me happily. He was my trainer for a few years and the reason I joined AEW.

"I'm great! Just mad at the boys. Ethan mostly." I said. Chris just smiled before gesturing me to sit with him.

"What are you mad at them for?" He asked.

"Well earlier today they just out of the blue attacked Hook in the hallway. So I apologized to him for their behavior. You taught me to always respect everyone in the business we all have to work together after all but it really seams like the guys have it out for him and I don't know why. He hardly says a word to anyone." I explained to him.

"Do you think maybe it's because one of your teammates might like you and they feel like if they could beat Hook that you'd give them a shot?" Chris asked. I thought for a second then remembered what Ethan said in line.

"Ethan did say that if Hook was bothering me he'd jump him again..." I said slowly. "I don't even like Ethan though he's just a friend and teammate for The Firm."

"Do you like Hook?" He asked. The moment he asked that question my cheeks got a tint darker and Chris smiled at me. " Don't worry just by the look on your face I can tell. Your secrets safe with me. Just remember always be yourself and always follow your heart." Chris said before finishing his food, getting up from the table and patting me on the back as he walked away. No matter what he was always on my side.

I sat there eating my food in silence thinking about what Chris had said. He was right. He basically taught me everything I know. Soon I finished my food and headed back to the locker room to get ready for my match tonight.

As I had finished getting my gear on there was a knock at the door. I answered and it was Hook. That was surprising.

"Hey I just wanted to say good luck on your match tonight." Hook said.

"Thank you Hook. That means a lot." I replied. "I'm still really sorry about my friends earlier."

"I know. But it's ok." He said shrugging like it was no big deal.

"Well my match with Tay Melo starts in 5 minutes. The guys aren't here yet so I doubt any of them want to sit ringside for me. I was supposed to have at least one since Tay has Sammy." I said. "I better get going. Thank you Hook."

I started walking away when Hook caught my hand and just started staring at my eyes. Not saying a word we walked hand in had to the gorilla for me to make my entrance.

Tay was already in the ring giving Sammy a kiss before my music started playing. Hook let go of my hand so I could go through the curtain. As I come through I receive a mix of boo's and cheers. It doesn't bother me I use to it having worked with The Firm for some time now. I get into the ring and Tay and I wait for the bell.

As the bell rings we start our match she gets the upper hand on me first moving me to a corner then pulling back when the red says to Tay argues with the ref while Sammy already tries to trip me early in the match. I come back with a running clothesline taking Tay of her feet now grabbing her leg rolling her over into a single leg Boston crab. She screams for Sammy and tries clawing her way to the ropes. She gets there and I let go of her leg. I kept coming at her with kicks to the same leg. Then get her into another Boston crab but she's able to get to the ropes again. Tay pushes me into the ropes and kicks me out with her other leg. She distracts the ref again as Sammy comes to grab me Hook runs out jumping on Sammy. I slide back into the ring and pull Tay into a suplex then pin her and get the 3 count.

Hook gets into the ring as the ref is raising my hand. Tay slips out to check on Sammy as they go back up the ramp. Hook motions to someone for a mic and they give him one he looks at me before asking "Why aren't your friends here for you?" I just shrugged. He gave me a small smile and said "don't worry you didn't need them anyway love." He said before coming closer to me and raising my hand as well but when he was supposed to drop it he kept holding on. "I was always told to follow my instincts but recently someone told me to listen to my heart. So that's what I'm doing right now." He said grabbing my chin with his other hand and kissing me in front of all the fans. It felt like lightning entered my body and I kissed him back instantly.

As he pulled away I said "What was that for?"

"I want you. I want you to be mine." He said looking into my eyes again. " I know your friends don't like me but that doesn't matter. What does matter is how I feel about you and that I'm listening to my heart!" He said it with so much passion in his voice. The whole AEW crowd was cheering for us.

"Yes Hook." I said and the arena got louder than before. He handed the mic back and grabbed my hand as we walked up the ramp and back through the curtain. "So who told you to listen to your heart?"

He shrugged "My parents when I was little, Cody Rhodes when he trained me and uh Chris Jericho today." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah and I'm glad I listened to my heart." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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