Chapter 2

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[Name] was currently sitting down at her desk in her office. Doing what paperwork she was was given to do. She would very much prefer to get it done then let it sit there and build up.
She looked up when her office door opened seeing her elder sister and gave an annoyed look and went back to working. The older female huffed "[Name]! Come on let's go do something! I haven't seen you in awhile!" [Name] looked up at Rangiku in annoyance.

[Name] huffed in annoyance " if you couldn't tell Rangiku I'm currently working as I have paperwork.  Don't you have work to do?" Rangiku whined " no! Sis you're starting to act like captain and you two just met!" [Name] rolled her eyes at her sister " why because I care for getting work done now instead of putting it off to where it will pile up?" Rangiku pouted once [Name] Said that.

[Name] groaned " would you please leave and let me work Rangiku?" Rangiku was about to reply when she heard her name being yelled. She turned around to see their captain she laughed nervously and ran off. Toshiro stood in the doorway annoyed seeing she ran off but turns seeing [Name] working and seemd seemed shocked. [Name] sighed soflty " Captian Hitsugaya.. you have to do my sisters paperwork don't you?"  Toshiro looked shocked at the third seats question but sighed

He ran a hand through his hair " seeing as Rangiku never wants to work I often end up doing her paperwork why?" [Name] groaned in annoyance at her sister's attics " when I'm done with my paperwork I'll help you do hers" the captain looked shocked at her words" how come?" He looked at her as he asked his question.

[Name] looked at him " because its not right you have to do her work when she should be doing it herself besides all that work can't be good for your health stress and all" The captian of the tenth squad looked at the third seat in shock. He sighed and nodded his head " if you want to I won't stop you" [Name] smiled brightly at the captian " alright! I'll be at your office to help as soon as this paperwork is done!" At that Toshiro left to return to his office to do that paperwork. Once [Name] finished her paperwork she picked up the stack and carried it to her captains office knocking and waiting for a come in before entering. She soflty placed her finished paperwork on his desk.

Toshiro looked up at her seeming shocked at the finished paperwork " here is my finished paperwork captian Hitsugaya, where is Rangiku's paperwork? so I can help with that" Toshiro pointed to many stacks of paperwork sighing soflty " it's over there but you don't have to you know-" [Name] sweatdropped at the large stacks of paperwork " no. I want to and of course there are many what did I expect.." [Name shook her head as she sighed in clear annoyance " I'll do half of it" Toshiro looked even more shocked and watched.

As [Name] walked to Rangiku's desk and sat down and started to work once again. He sighed and looked down and went back to doing his won paperwork slightly relived that Rangiku's younger sister was not like her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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