Chapter 5 - The Spy Camera and the Hospital Trip

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Nobody pov-
The States learned that their dad was in the hospital, no one was happy, Delaware and the older states were trying to calm down the younger states, Hawaii and Rhode Island were crying, some states were fighting about what happened to their dad, and others were getting alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, Dixie and CSA were trying to find out who hurt America, Brazil and her states/countries were also trying to figure out who hurt Ame, and Central was talking to the doctor, about if their dad was going to be ok. Some countries also came there, Britain and France were in their son's room, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were trying to help with the younger states, on both sides.

Australia pov-
I was looking after Brazil (my brother USA's girlfriend/ex-wife) kids, as I was talking to Argentina, I saw that Peru was not inside, "Hey, guys where's Peru?" I asked Brazil's countries and states, "Tío, she's playing baloncesto," Chile said, I looked at Argentina "Sweetie, what is baloncesto?" I asked her, "basketball, Tío" she said, "Thank you," I said, as I walked outside of the hospital, to the parking lot, then I saw her, she was playing and crying? "Peru!" I called to her, I knew that she saw me.
Minutes later..
I continued to call for her, then I got mad, I walked over to her and grabbed her ball "¡Devuélveme mi pelota, perra!" She screamed, and started to pouch me, "Peru, stop pouching me!" I yelled at her, then she stopped, and sat down crossing her legs, and buried her head into her arms, then she lifted her head and screamed, "devuélvemelo, papá me lo dio!" She screamed crying, then she grabbed the ball and ran inside screaming and crying, "¡mamá!" I heard her scream, 'Shit,' I thought as I walked back inside, I saw Peru talking to Brazil she was mad, "sweetie go to grandma and grandpa, and see papa" Brazil said as she turned to me, Peru walked away to Ame's room, then I looked at Brazil, she was mad, I smiled scared "cadela" she said as she walked over to me, "You idiot, why did you take her ball," she said, "what do you mean? It's just a basket ball?" I said, she sighed, "it's not just a basketball," she yelled at me as her other children were watching us, "because my husband, gave Peru that basketball, before he went to fight in World War One!" Brazil yelled as all of America's brothers walked over to the yelling, as Brazil started to cry as she ran to America's hospital room.

Brazil pov-
I walked to America hospital room as I looked at his states, I don't know their names. They were all just standing there waiting for him to wake up. "Children, hello I'm your father's ex-wife" I said calmly as all of his children looked at me, I sighed as I looked at my husband, who was just laying there. "Oh Ame, meu amor, your children are so precious and beautiful," I said as I cried as someone hugged me. "Our father loved you very much, he has so many pictures of your guy's wedding and children Central America." The eldest child Delaware said, as I turned around to hug him back, "you are so beautiful sweetie" I said as I kissed his forehead, as Delaware smiled, he opened his eyes he was blind, fully blind, I cried as we hugged, I sighed as I then picked up the young Hawaii. "Who are you, miss?" A older girl asked me, her name was California, "my name is Brazil, I'm your father's ex-wife" I said as I handed Hawaii to Delaware. "Why would dad marry you?" Someone asked I looked at them, he looked like a alligator, "Florida stop being so rude, young man!" The eldest girl Pennsylvania said, as she slapped the boy, "your father, he married me, because of my beauty and power, I am his second-largest trading partner, and we have much in common and a wide range of issues that we both address to each other, I'm important to him, for Peace and Security for us" I said as I smiled at the boy, "did you know what the Amazon is?" I asked him, as he replied, "no, miss, what it is?!" He said as I laughed and grabbed my phone to show him, pictures of the Amazon. As I showed the boy named Florida, the Amazon and its creatures. Then Britain and France walked into the room, I looked at them, as I signed for all of the states to leave. "UN called, we need to go" Great Britain said as he looked at America, I sighed as I walked out with them.

At the World Trade Center-
Great Britain pov-
We all walked into the meeting room, as we saw a camera on UN's side of the table. "Ok, everyone I called all of you, to ask about this," UN explained as he grabbed the camera and put it in a projector, the camera showed, what was America with his kids, just playing around. I smiled as it was cool to see, then we all saw it, America walked into his house and to his room then he walked to his office. "What the fuck, is this!" Australia yelled as in the video America just screamed about someone, or at someone. UN stopped the tape, "I don't know what is going on with US, but it is not good, as you all know, America is in the hospital after he was shot in the neck by a arrow, according to Israel and India the arrow had Aconitine on it." UN told us. France started to cry as we didn't know if America would wake up.

In a Soviet Campground-
Nobody pov-
The boy who shot America in neck, with the arrow that was covered in the alkaloid toxin, from a various plant species. The boy was cleaned his bow, he put the cleaning tool down onto a table, and walked out. The boy walked to a larger tent, the tent belonged to the leader. The boy opened the tent fold, and saw the tall man, who was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigar. The man looked at the boy, "show me," the man spoke as the boy walked over to him, and show him the arrow. The man looked at the arrow with the toxin covered head, "what did you do, how did you do?" The man asked the boy, who started to laughed and widely smiled, "the arrow is covered in a toxin, sir Soviet Union" the boy said as he walked over to the man. The man put his hand on the boy's shoulder, "Good boy,.......................................................................................................................................Cuba."

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