the lovebirds♡

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Vox spotted shoto in the corridor and finally brought him inside an empty locker room to confess the love he had for him since middle school. shoto asked, "Why did you bring me here?" Shoto asked to tell you something i have wanted to say for months or years vox said shyly then shoto tried to leave put of embarrassment but vox stopped him saying no your not leaving till you listen to what i have to say now. Shoto gulped and gave in so shoto finally stopped trying to get out of the room and listen to vox and said fine.

Shoto my boy.
I have liked you since middle shool you are just so handsome kind and brave your fun to talk to and you are so rude in a funny way to me like yeah i just love those things about you so will you be my boyfriend?

Shoto. I love you

Shoto was in ahock as he jumped up and down repeting the words yes they embraced together as shoto pecked vox on the cheek

They happily continued the day together.


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