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"Princess, what are you holding in your arms? When you finished training, you left saying as you felt like going for a walk and now you come back with some animal?" Leroy asks staring at the beast which looked at Leroy as if were annoyed by him.

"I said such things?" Athanasia asked only remembering slipping away. "Yes, I heard you told Lady Lily that you went for a walk as well." He explains. 'His magic is better than I thought.' Athanasia thought, even more annoyed by him. "Princess, if you're done with your walk, do want to have some snacks?" Lily asks as she approaches them with Felix by her side.

Upon seeing Lily, Raven quickly jumped out of Athanasia's arms and dodged both Leroy's and Felix's attempt to grab it before jumping onto Lily's shoulder and snuggling her. Lily was surprised not knowing what to do.

"Thats is Raven, my new pet." Athanasia says as Felix looked worried, not knowing exactly what to do. "I see. It seems quite.. friendly." Lily says as she grabs Raven to hold in her arms.


They ended up keeping it. Raven really liked Lily but still it was always by Athanasia. The first thing they did was give it a bath, which Athanasia did herself figuring it would be a good bonding thing to do. She also studied with Raven in her lap and Raven watched Athanasia during her training. It ate when she ate and always went to bed with her. Raven gave her comfort when she couldn't sleep or her nightmares.

"Princess, it's high time you go and greet His Majesty." Felix tells the Princess who was reading next to the fireplace as Raven slept in her lap.
Her mood soured instantly. She was using her excuse she was busy with Raven but it seemed her excuse had wore out.

Lily got her changed and Felix took her to the Garnet Palace. She had been happy with Raven and no Claude the past few days. 'He's so needy.' Athanasia thought.

It was unfair how when she wanted to see him all those times in her past life she was rejected and no matter how many times she rejects she still has no choice but to see him. She's been getting used him so she isn't scared anymore only annoyed and waited for when she could take revenge.

"Hi dad." Athanasia greeted Claude who sat tiredly on the throne in the audience room.

"You don't seem very happy to see me." He commented, looking annoyed to. "Neither do you and you requested to see me." She answered just looking at the shiny gold on the throne. It was easier on the eyes for her.

"Your Majesty, the weather nice outside today. How about going for a walk outside today." Felix says interrupting the two from their little banter.

"A walk that does sound nice." Claude says and gets up to go for a walk with his daughter.

Athanasia only somewhat listened so she knew they were going for a walk but her mind was more into wondering why she likes shiny things so much, especially gold. 'Maybe it's just a rich person thing to be greedy?' She wondered as she reached out to grab Felix.

"What is it?" Asked a snappy Claude making Athanasia whip her head head up and glare, upset that Felix talked to her like that.

Realizing she grabbed Claude quickly let go and shook her a hand behind her back as if something was on them.

Before she could say something, Felix piqued up, "The Princess wants His Majesty to pick her up. That's what a child does." Felix tells him.

Claude then went and grabbed the back of her dress and picked her up like that before Athanasia could once again say something. She flailed around trying to get away from him.

"Stop flailing, you're heavy enough as it is." Claude says annoyed holding her far enough away so she couldn't hit him.

"How do not know how -" She was begining to curse him when Felix quickly grabbed her and held her properly, "Your Majesty holding her like that will cause her great discomfort, you should hold her like this." Felix says as Athanasia wrapped her arms around Felix deciding she isn't moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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