Chapter Five- Riley's Graduation

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Riley's Graduation


~Time skip: Two weeks later~

Riley's Pov:

The last few weeks i learned as much as i could. So that means that i didn't see my friends or Taylor that often. And when i saw them it was just a quick 'hey' and then already a 'bye'.

But it's fine i mean only one exam and i can spend as much time with them as i like.
Today is Sunday, so that means tomorrow is Monday, obviously. I'm writing History, it's good that i write that in the end so i had more time to learn.

I'm not that good so i really needed that time. But now i'm happy to say that i'm ready. Still, i'm very nervous and i hate it. After tomorrow we need to wait for about two days and then they say us if we passed or not.

Anyways a week after they told us we're official graduating. I'm kinda sad cause Taylor can't come to the ceremony. But i still have my parents who will take thousand of pics for Tay.

It's kinda late and i want to be well rested tomorrow so i'm going to bed and trying to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up to my annoying alarm, again. It's 7am now, i have half an hour to get ready then i need to leave. Woohoo. The final exam can come.

I choose a simple outfit. A blue jeans with a white oversized long sleeve and a thin blue jacket on top.
Before i left the house i grabbed a banana and made my way to school.

The process was the same as the last two weeks. I get to the classroom, get the papers, write for 90 minutes and leave. Today wasn't any different.

After i finished, to my surprise earlier again. I handed the papers in and drove home. Only to find Tay on our couch with to whiskeys in her hand.

"Reyyyy, there you are"
"Hey Tay" i told her sitting down. "Here, take it" she handed me one of the glasses.
"What for?" i asked her.
"Oh you dumbwit to toast on your last exam."

She held her glass in the air. I clicked mine against it. "Cheers" i told her smiling.
"Cheers little sis"

The rest of the day we watched Outer Banks while eating a lot of junk food, but hey i don't complain. We then went to sleep around 3am after stargazing in our garden. Like we often do, at least as much as we can with our or better said Taylor's busy schedule.

~Time skip~ (again sorry)

After that day all days were the same, we sleep till late watched the whole day Netflix, ate unhealthy food and stargazed at night. Even when it rained.

The day we get the email if we passed the finals i was total nervous, but Taylor helped me a lot.
In the end came out that i had 4,0 GPA, the best from my whole year. Damn i did good.

Anyways today is the day. The day i waited my whole life for. I'm dressing myself with some other students in our dark blue robes with these hats (i don't know what their called).

I'm kinda nervous and i hate the fact that Taylor isn't here. When i put everything on i left and got outside, where a LOT of people where. I mean we are a pretty big school.

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