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a/n oMFg they're actually going to shower together wtf how did it even get to this?!!?!!? Okay imma die now X0
btw if you don't feel comfortable reading this chapter, skip to the next chapter :)


I look at my clothed body in the mirror, nervous to actually do what I'm about to do. That is; shower with Zayn Malik.

"Don't be nervous, babe," Zayn coos, hovering over my shoulder. I feel his warm breath on my skin, no doubt causing goose bumps to rise on my skin.

It's not that I was nervous, although I guess that's what I told myself, it was untrue. I was just afraid that I would later regret my decision, which I would surely do. These days, I seemed to regret a lot of my actions. Perhaps it was just inevitable.

I feel his fingers play at the strap of material that is my tee shirts sleeve, almost teasingly.

"I'm not nervous," I repeat, but aloud this time so Zayn could hear me. The words somehow managed to not waver.

I feel as Zayn's hand takes mine, moving it to my shoulder in an attempt for me to remove the article of clothing. Like he wanted, I proceed in removing my top, leaving me shirtless. All that remained on my upper-torso was my bra that I slept in (which was stupid really, because it's not good for my breasts).

I look at Zayn's hungry, now-chocolate-brown eyes from over my shoulder. They're practically bulging out of their sockets.

"Babe, why have you not shown me this before?" Zayn asks, clearly referring to my body.

I didn't consider my body anything particularly special. I had a pair of breasts, an average-weight body, two buttocks and two sets of limbs. Although I was confident in my appearance, I didn't believe there was anything that really differentiated my body to any other. It wasn't anything special, in all honesty.

I simply shrug my shoulders, looking away from the mirror. I turn my body around so that I was facing Zayn. "We have only known each other for a slim 3 days, you do realise that?" I remind him.

Bravely, my right hand moves to his stubble-scattered jaw line, stroking it out of affection. It felt weird. Although it was prickly, it was somehow nice when you stroked it in the direction it grew.

His hand moves to the strap of my bra, slipping under it to tug at it. "3 days feels like 3 decades, my love."

I feel my cheeks heat up at the pet name he used. My love. Did he realise the effect it had upon me? Surely he had to.

I trail down his jawline to his collarbone and down to his pecs. His body felt good under my fingertips.

I feel his fingers move to my back, unclasping my bra, allowing it to fall down to the ground. "I'll get that later," he murmurs. "In the meantime..."

His eyes stare at my breasts, taking in every last inch. It sort of made me uncomfortable, yet at ease at the same time. Overall, it was an unusual feeling which made sense, but at the same time it didn't. Confusing, yet still comprehensible.

His tongue licked his lips seductively. "Stunning," he noted to himself.

I wasn't sure what I should do; whether I should cover my breasts up with my arms or let him fantasise. I probably should slap him in the face, but decide against it.

Instead, I walk over to the shower- deliberately swaying my hips-where I open the door. Hesitantly, I slip off my pants and knickers, well aware Zayn was staring at my ass.

I turn the tap on, feeling the water heat up. Once it's hot, I add some cold water. "Aren't you going to hop in?" I ask Zayn, beginning to wish I wasn't naked in front of his hungry eyes.

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