February 12, 2023

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Dear Diary,

In the midst of all my haunting worries, I still had time to daydream.

I wish the world would just end.

Throw the world to chaos and for once give power to those who wish to survive. Let justice be damned. I am selfish, I only wish for my own benifet. I woul let the others cry in pain in fear and never waiver, as long as all thess tragedy has nothing to do with me. I call my self fearless but I cower at the power of the strong before me. I trample the dreams of others, while I gloat and scoff to those who are beneathe me.

Why am I like this?

My mother told me I was a 'Traitor' and I don't know why. My father told me I was 'self-centered', still I don't know why.

I asked a few people around me, those who they knew me best, "If I was a color, what color do you think I'd be?" and they all answered "Yellow", It means someone loyal person that's kinda bubbly.

However, who I truly am is far from their guesses. I keep my mask always and smile. I act kind to those whom I think are benifecial to me and ignore those who are useless.

I had myself tested for Myers Briggs Personality Type test and apparently this one got me interested. It appears that I am an INTJ-T an Architect having the role of an Analyst.

Traits of: Introverted-97%, Intuitive-66%, Thinking-78%, Judging-75%, and Turbulent-72%

Judging from thess traits, I conclude I am a weird, freaky, chaotic, stupid, judger who thinks she's better than anybody else but is a total loser, a loner, a lier, a bitch.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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