lemon life embraced insert 3

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Mbali's pov

I could feel the smell of petrol in my body hence l just closed my eyes the moment l saw beauty light her lighter . surprisingly she took her time  before setting me on fire and so l just opened my eyes and saw everyone running for dear life including Beauty the man actor.there were police cars racing or where they following these big jeep cars . Guns shots shook the ground and teargases where thrown all over,  one of them was even thrown on my face.l panicked and forced my heavily butchered body to my home.granny saw me and came running and that's when l felt dizzy and it was lights out.l was woken by noise

Granny:beauty you are such a selfish child.how dare you  plot a rally on your own bloody sister

Beauty : stop cursing my mother's womb this thing is not my sister. And yes she deserves to die cause she's not human enough

Mimi:just look at her,crocodile skin with blisters

Kelly:(mbali's mom) you should have killed her ufuze u baba (she takes it from her father )

I coughed and everyone's attention was shifted to me.

Me:water ( my mom looked at me and rolled her eyes )

Granny:let me call the ambulance, you look deformed

Kelly:never ma, wat are you going to tell the police cause clearly her condition needs a police report

Granny:are you out of your mind Kelly ,so she should rather die because you don't want to involve the police.kanti whose side are you own these monsters who almost killed your child. .

Kelly : mother please

I started scratching myself and everyone had this disgusted look on their face.l looked at my arms which were now slippery. I was bleeding and my nail were covered  with skin. I screamed and my own mother shaped me hard

Kelly:are you trying to contaminate us with your contagious rabies.

Granny:enough is enough baby you going to the hospital

Mimi:let's see if super granny will afford the fees.

Granny called the ambulance and l was taken to a private hospital khayalethu centre.A nurse was appointed  for me. That's unsually cause am used to doctor  lethu treating me since every nurse and doctor calls my case a special case which only doctor lethu can attend to since he's a skin doctor.

Me:nurse where's doctor lethu

Nurse:today is his wedding,  oh wait a minute do you think with that your rhinoceros skin doctor lethu wants you huh shame mogirl to him you are just a scrape donkey he's using as an experiment to get a cure for excema

That hit home,honestly l thought doctor lethu was a friend only to find out he hates me as much as everyone hates me . granny came to my ward

Granny :my princess how are you feeling.

Me:am better am no longer scratching

Granny:where's  the doctor

Nurse:he's not around  (prescribing something )here buy anti flamattory medicine and also she has to stay in the hospital for 2weeks so that we monitor her condition. Having said that she left

Kelly's pov

Hey there my name is Kelly am the mother of that stupid old hag kid mbali. I hate  that kid so much especially after her stupid father left me for his wife.her father was a Nigerian man who came to look for work in South Africa, he worked as an engineer and was quite rich, l seduced him and he told me that he was married and I told him not to be scared as we will  keep our affair a secret . unfortunately for me l grew to love him more and more each day , we were perfect together. Then one day  he's wife came back and our affair was exposed.He broke up with me immediately and told me to never speak with him again. I found out that I was pregnant with his child and he denied the pregnancy saying that it wasn't he's child. He flew back  to his country when I was 8months pregnant and from that time l never heard from him. I gave birth to mbali and when she turned 2years I discovered that she had excema which made me hate her more.her illness is a disgrace to me.
After my mother took that excema bitch I went to my favourite chilling place,bra max's shaben. It wasn't that busy today, to my surprise because it's surturday.l entered the shabeen shouting as usually

Me:Haa my son in law have you lost your touch  (l call him that ever since he paid me money to break mbali's virgity. Apparently he's HIV positive and he thinks that sleeping with mbali will cleanse him of HIV  stupid man

He came from behind me and choked me for life.l struggled to breathe up until he threw me at the wall were l fell on my butt

Me (coughing )do you want to kill me

Bra max :l want mbali on my bed tonight or you will find yourself attending your own funeral.

Me (still struggling to breath )she was hospitalised today but l promise you that as soon as she gets out of that hospital l will send her to you

Bra max:am giving you 3weeks to deliver now move your wrinkled ass out of here

I literally ran out of bra max's shebeen breathing heavily

Mbali's pov

Am still at the hospital and am going to be discharged today .Surprisingly  doctor lethu still hasn't come to the hospital  ,rumours say that he's family was attacked during he's wedding ceremony. Anyways back to me guys am feeling much better today .only my arms are left with a bit of  black marks.Granny went to collect her grunt money today so no one will be collecting me.l figured that l ran out of my budget because of the hospital expenses  and decided to look for work before going back home. I spent the whole day looking  for work with no luck and around 4pm when l had lost all hope l saw this poster at the khumalo legacy company gate.there were in need of a cleaner so l decided to try my luck even though my health won't permit because of the strong agents they use for cleaning. Let's just hope that l get this job God,l put my trust in you. I went to the receptionist and she directed me to a room where the interview was being conducted. I knocked and I was told to come in.God l know am not supposed to admire let alone look at a man in a romantic way because of my phobia but this man right here screams fine.l was directed to take a seat

Me :good afternoon sirs (he was sitting with an elderly man who was in a wheelchair

Him:where the hell were you,didn't we tell you to come on time

Me;but sir l..

Him:this interview is over

Me:(to the elderly man)sir please l just saw this poster now, l swear I need this job. ..here is my cv and certificates

Old man:you too educated to be a cleaner (browsing through my documents

Me;l know sir but am desperate, l..
Just when l wanted to  say something a familiar voice interrupted me

Lethu:you know your health doesn't permit you right

Me:doc l l l seriously need this job

Lethu:dad this one of my best clients employ her as khayas' PA cause as it stands khaya can't continue working with Michael after ruining this for some of us they have proved to be a toxic team

Khaya:careful about how you talk to me am still older than you

Lethu:is that an excuse you use to ruin my life cause as far as am concerned you big older has brought nothing but pain and torment

Khaya:how's that my fault cause you brought that Russian Chinese puppet into your life

Lethu:maybe if you didn't make unnecessary  enermies I will be somewhere with my life.

Older man:shut up you too,always quarrelling for no reason. Mbali you got the job as a PA ,you will start work tomorrow 8Oclock now leave l have to deal with these too

I was so excited that l kneeled down and thanked him before leaving. On my way home ,l bumped into this black tinted car and the driver. ...

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