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Mom/Katherine: "So Evie Are going to school tomorrow?"

Evie: "Yeah"

Dad/Mason: "Good, maybe the teachers will you give you some work to catch up"

Evie: "Mhm"

The next day
Monday 6:30am

I set my alarm clock for six thirty Am since I have have to walk "I hate school" I say to myself then get up to take a shower and get dressed.


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Im pretty sure it's supposed to be hot out today but I'm bringing a jacket just in case.

School parking lot

Since I got up early and changed fast I was basically the only one there GOOD THING I brought my Walkman and a few of my favorite songs in my bag.

I sit on a bench and put my headphones on, grabbing my sketchbook with a pen and pencil.


it was now eight am and the school parking lot was packed with students so I just go inside and in my first period class that hasn't even started and won't until 8:30

Most of my classes are with Eddie, Robin is in some of them so she sits next to me when Eddie doesn't.

Bell rings

Right as the bell rings Eddie and Ivy walk in, holding hands and somewhat smiling obviously Ivy is fake and is literally cheating on my best friend and doesn't really care.

But Eddie really really loves her and doesn't even know that she's cheating and a literal bitch towards me and Robin.


After my first three classes me and Robin walk to her table in the cafeteria, Nancy and Max are already sitting there, Nancy waves at Robin and I as we sit down "Max you look like your in a good mood today" I say smiling.

Max: "I am"

Evie: "About?"

Max: "Me and Lucas got back together"

Evie: "Really! You guys are perfect for each other"

I look up to see Billy walking over to my table , "I gotta go" I say grabbing my bag rushing out of the cafeteria, I want nothing to do with Billy.

When I go to open the counselor door he grabs my arm, I turn my head to the side to try and avoid eye contact.

"Listen Evie, I wanted to apologize I'm really sorry I was really drunk that night" He says letting go of my arm

"Your really sorry? Then why the hell did you do it?"
I turn my body but my head "If your really sorry don't ever speak to me again" I say walking into the counselors office

Hiding It  (1/2)|| Eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now