the pursuit of a name

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hello everyone!!

i might as well reintroduce myself here since i'll likely get some new readers! i'm ezzy and i'm 21, i usually write for mean girls the musical but i've recently watched the new matilda movie and hohoooo the hyperfixation resurgence was just. WOW so anyway! here i am lol

there'll be more information for you towards the end but i don't want to take up too much space at the beginning.

tw for
mentioned/implied abuse
and please let me know if i miss any warnings so i can add them in!!



"I'm back," Matilda says as she opens and closes the door to their place.

"Hi, darling," Miss Honey greets. "Is Mrs. Phelps well?"

"Oh, yes," Matilda says as she comes to join her in the kitchen. "She gave me this for you."

"Oh," Miss Honey says as Matilda rests a well-loved copy of An Honest Thief on the table. "I've been wanting to read this again."

"I know," Matilda says with an impish smile. "Oh, she gave me extra lemonade for you, too."

"How nice of her, thank you," Miss Honey says as Matilda puts the tin thermos on the table as well.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm working on a few papers to finalize your adoption," Miss Honey sighs.

"Oh." Matilda says.

"Oh?" Miss Honey questions, peeking at her over the tops of her reading glasses. "Are you upset about it?"

"Aren't you?" Matilda asks softly. "You look stressed."

"No, darling, no," Miss Honey says immediately. "The forms have been... a challenge, just because we have no way of getting in touch with your biological parents. Some information I need, I can't get. But there's ways around the lot of that for circumstances like ours."

"Oh." Matilda says again. "What information?"

"Nothing I think you'd know, brilliant as you are," Miss Honey sighs, removing her glasses and leaving them to hang by the chain around her neck. "Oh, but your middle name, what is that?"

"I haven't got one," Matilda says quietly. "My parents said I was lucky I got a name at all."

Miss Honey sighs and gently tips up Matilda's chin. "They were lucky that they got a Matilda."

Matilda gives her a small grin, but there's a sadness behind it that makes Miss Honey frown.

"We have the opportunity to change your name when your adoption goes through. Would you like to?"

"I'm not sure," Matilda says. "I... I am Matilda. I like my name."

"We don't have to change your first name if you don't want to. Matilda is a perfectly suitable and lovely name for you," Miss Honey says. "But if you'd like to pick a middle name for yourself, we could do that."

Matilda mulls this over. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course," Miss Honey says comfortingly. "Take all the time you need. A name is a big decision."

Matilda nods. "I'm going to go put these in my bedroom."

"Alright," Miss Honey says as Matilda stands and grabs her large stack of new books. "Oh, that reminds me!"

Matilda pauses on the staircase and turns to see her.

"We still need to decorate. Would you like to head to the shops today and see what we can find?"

matilda oneshots i had to get out of my head Where stories live. Discover now