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Two people struggled through the mud, crawling under barbed wire right above their heads. That wasn't the hard part though, they were both bound together by their arms. One left and one right.

"Keep your heads down! Bullets are flying over you, Privates!" Someone yelled close by.

"Come on." Said the person on the right when they started to become sluggish. "Just keep going, after the mile we're done."

"I'm trying." The other groaned, picking up her pace. "Fuck!"

Once the two finished the mud pool, they picked up speed to complete the run to the formation. The fatigue and exhaustion hit the 18 year olds like bricks to the face, but they kept on. "Just a little farther." The first encourages.

They could see the formation up ahead, Drill Sergeants and squads that had arrived first stood waiting. Closer and closer, and they finally reached it.

Out of breath and tired, the two stood at attention and waited for instruction. "Good job Cadets, Fall in at attention. You made it to third."

They obliged, catching their breaths while 5 other squads arrived after. After a long tangent of the DS's yelling at the last 3 squads for being slow, they were dismissed.

The Platoon walked back to the mess hall for lunch, quiet and slow, everyone much too tired to talk. 3rd squad had taken off the rope keeping them bound but continued walking side to side.

They weren't even hungry but they were eager to celebrate graduating after the week was over. "I can't wait to go home. I miss my mom's cooking."

"I miss my dad, even though I don't see him often." Said the girl, chuckling. "His latest letter said he was going on a deployment, though."

"That sucks." He hummed and sat down at the table after getting a tray.

"No kidding." She said, doing the same thing.

"Rorke!" The hall went silent, while her head popped up in interest. "Report to your barracks immediately."

She felt every eye on her as she stood and shared a look with her battle buddy before walking out towards the barracks.

She only hoped this wasn't serious, she couldn't even remember if she messed anything up. Thankfully the barracks were still clean from that morning, just waiting to be messed up for bedtime. "Hello?" She called and stepped inside.

"Back here." A voice responded, a familiar face popping out from her bunk.

"Uncle Merrick?" She grinned and walked over. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I've got some news, kid." He sighed. "Might want to sit down for this."

"It's dad isn't it?" She frowned. "How'd it happen?"

Merrick looked exhausted and sat across from her. "How much did he tell you about the mission, Bell?"

Isabella answered quickly. "Just that it was in Caracas. Did you get the Guy? Almagro?"

"Yes." He nodded and began. "We'd been split up during the mission some time after the Dam was destroyed and started to flood the city. When we formed back up we managed to catch up to the General's escape."

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