The Wind

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by Andrea D. Garzon [May 7, 2011]

The sound of the waters in the rivers,

felt like a timid melody that lingers.

The cradled wind that floats from afar,

gently gazed at the little boy like a star.

As the moonlight beamed in the sky,

his face seemed like to have shied.

With the trembling wind visiting again,

touched his heart the way it had never been.

 Momentarily, the sun hid in the darkness,

Collapsed in the very wing of happiness.

And now, without the wind to see him,

alone, he recoiled like a kid that has sinned.

Like an abandoned heart ruined so vulnerably,

like a flimsy caterpillar struck impotently.

He struggled to find the wind he'd wounded.

 as tears are falling, the sad wind had departed.

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