a/n: a note to my past and those who read this

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Hi. It's been a while, I've changed a ton, and I'm sure you have to.

This is an update since I never posted after this, and I don't plan on it. Here's a small trigger warning for some self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

I've changed a ton, I'm an adult now at this point, I've drank, I've watched sunsets, and I've discovered new music, I love the 70s and flowers and my partner loves bees. I, for once in my life, feel loved and cared for by someone in my lifetime. I struggled for a long time with who I was and if it was worth being alive today. I'm still struggling, but I've gone from 80 days to 10, to 20, to 40 to many other numbers of being self-harm free.  I've grown and I've realized that I can work through what's going on, I acknowledge my feelings in the present instead of leaving them for the future, I'm glad I've made some of the choices I made. I'm glad I'm here for the people I love in my life and even myself. I hope you all feel the same, and I hope you know I'm proud of you for even thinking of why not to commit suicide or hurt yourself or anything. You're doing good, and you're on your own path, it may not seem like it's going good now but I promise you it'll work out, life has ups and downs and that's okay. Everything will be okay <3 I love you guys, be safe.
-the author

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