Chapter 5

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"Thor, we need to leave….. now"

"What are you talking about?" Thor looked at me still with the biggest smile that I've seen in a very long time.

"We need to leave and figure out a way to get back to Adguard. I have an idea of what Loki is planning, and I don't think it's another honeymoon."

Thor chuckled a bit at my comment.

"If your new friends can actually help, we need to get back to the lab. Now."

Thor's face went from a smile to a face of concern and urgency.

"Hey Thor, is everything alright?" A young girl said with bright red lipstick and dark brown hair with glasses.

"We need to get back to your lab," I responded

"Oh, it's not my lab. I'm just the intern. You see, I'm not really a scientist, but I figured-"

"Not important. Who's lab does it belong to?" I stopped her mid-explanation.

"Hey Jane, the cosplay girl needs you."

"Ok, give me a second," Jane responded

"Don't think I properly introduced myself, Darcy." She reached her hand out for me to shake, trying to make conversation while Jane finished her conversation.

"Y/n Odinsdottir." I took her hand and shook it.

" Wait, so if your name is Thor Odinson and your name is Y/n Odinsdottir-"

" I'll explain our story when we're not fearing for your Midgardians' lives." I stopped her once again. I got this question a lot back on Adguard from the kids in the village.

"Hey Thor, you needed something?." Jane says, finally finishing her conversation.

Thor took Jane by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Jane, we need to get back to your lab. Y/n has a theory on what my brother is planning to do, and she needs to get back to Adguard."

The way that Thor was looking at her wasn't just a 'new friend' look. It was more like a 'crush friend' look. Thor had more romantic tension with Jane than he did with Sif.

"Ok. We'll leave immediately, Y/n you can follow us."

"Would it be alright if Thor joins us on the ride to the lab?" I asked Jane

She hesitated for a bit. "Sure."

She got everybody to get up from the table. Gemma ended up paying for the food after a fight between her and the older man there with us over who was going to pay for the bill.

Once we got out of the building, we split up into our groups and got into the cars. Thor and I sat in the back. After not seeing him for a while, I needed to catch up with him and talk about this newfound love with this Jane person.

" Looks like I got double the Shakespeare in my car," Gemma said while she was starting the car.

I simply rolled my eyes at her comment

"So Thor. Do you like her?" I asked him, getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" Thor looked at me with an awkward glance.

"I see how big your smile gets when you're around her, I see how worried you got when I said that there was a potential threat to Midgard. Thor, there's more tension there with her than there is with Sif." I pointed out to Thor.

"Impossible. I've lived in Sif for as long as I can remember."

"But you never told her about your feelings."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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