Prologue: The Reluctant Spy

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"You want me to do what?" Chad asked, staring at his mother in shock.

The woman was elegantly dressed, holding herself with poise as always. Even in the comfort of her home she was sure to maintain appearances. "You are going to infiltrate Morgan's gang and take it down from the inside. We already have everything prepared."

Chad stared at his mother in shock for a moment before he finally managed to speak. "How, Mother? They know what I look like, and two metal arms are going to be hard to disguise." He said, watching his mother opening a suitcase to rifle through it.

"We already have that covered, dear." She assured. "We have a completely new identity for you to assume, that will stand up even to Morgan's hacking skills. And we managed to persuade Johnathan Flaire to create a potion to temporarily change your form."

"Johnathan Flaire?" Chad asked. "I thought Alex killed him years ago."

The woman nodded, pulling out a vial of silvery liquid and handing it to Chad. "He did. But somehow, he was revived, and he was all to happy to help when he heard this was to thwart Alex's schemes."

Chad paused at the words, and he swallowed hard at the thought of the man who had torn off his arms. "You told him it was to thwart Alex?" He asked, struggling to control his fear.

His mother didn't seem to notice, though, waving it off as she began to lay out packets of documents, a driver's license, and other such supplies. "Well, of course if you find any information on Alex's weaknesses, we need it, but we only told Flaire that to get the potion. He didn't want to get involved with taking Morgan down. Something about him being the reason they were alive? And there was something about a mug or a toaster... I'm not sure, I wasn't really listening." She said.

"That feels dishonest..." Chad mused, scanning over the documents as he realized this was less of a discussion and more of an FYI.

The woman sighed and looked up at her son. "I know, Chad. But with your brother hiding behind that villain like a coward, our hands are tied. We must find a way to shut down his gang to protect the city, and our good name."

Chad felt his stomach churn at the words. Everything his mother said was chipping away at him. Calling Morgan a coward... refusing to use their pronouns... she had even admitted this was to protect their own reputation. "Mother, I... I don't want to do this." He admitted, troubled green eyes locked on the false driver's license. He couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze.

"You must, Chad." The woman said firmly. "We have been planning this for months. Why do you think we've had you take those improv acting courses? We were preparing you."

Chad paused at the words, and he looked up at her incredulously. "What?" He asked. "They were a birthday present! Are you seriously telling me it was just some sort of training?"

His mother looked at him, her form seeming to soften at the accusation. "Yes." She admitted with a solemn expression. She moved over to her son, setting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Chad met her gaze, as she skillfully deflected any anger. "Son..." She said, softly. "The world needs you. You are the only one strong enough to survive if Alex catches you. It's only a matter of time before he fights someone with mind reading powers, and this mission would be suicide." Chad could feel his anger being turned to guilt with his mother's expert manipulation. "Please. We have no other options."

There was a pause, before Chad finally looked away with a defeated sigh. "Alright, Mother..." He said, grunting a bit as she pulled him into a hug.

"I knew I could count on my boy." She praised as he slowly hugged her back. "I'll make you that potato soup you like so much when you get back, ok?"

Chad's throat tightened a bit at the mention of the soup Morgan used to make for him when he was sick. His eyes held his turmoil as they rested on the potion. "Thank you, Mother..." he managed. "I... Look forward to it..."

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