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Hi Everyone! My name is OmaPhinaPhire. That is my pen name by the way. My actual name is Nwaduba Emmanuella Ijeoma Zephine. I am a twenty something year old writer. I am Nigerian who was born and brought up in Lagos state, Nigeria. I hail from Delta state.

I am someone who loves to read, listen to music, eat, sleep, talk, watch movies and above all, write. I love writing the most though I am one very lazy writer who suffers from author's block more than half the time. I have thoughts on the go, in the loo, on my bed, absolutely everywhere. But it is a pity I cannot write it all.

I was born on the 25th of June -that makes my zodiac sign cancer- to two loving parents and I have four younger siblings in the sequence: he, she, she & she. My siblings are fun and my parents are not necessarily strict. But oh, can my mum be a pain in the neck or a bone in the throat sometimes? Oh yes she can! My dad is an entire story, the best supporting dad ever. Oh and there is my brother, my number one best friend. I doubt that anyone can replace him in my heart. Then, my three wonderful sisters who keep me busy when I am not writing. We are big fans of K-drama and C-drama, that is excluding my mum and dad. Both prefer reading the Bible or studying Christian books. You can catch my siblings on Wattpad @ Oma_Castle DawninDawn & Z3phine

Apart from my family, I have wonderful friends who make living worth it and make writing into something more. There is Aniadi Prisca Ebube, my sister from another mother who reads all of my works first -that is if my sister doesn't beat her to it. There is also Oziko Peace Ifeoma, my lovely bestie. Also, Amadi Juliet Chukwuamaka, my beautiful ebony friend that I can turn to when everything goes wrong. She is undoubtedly always there. Then there is Sienake Josephina Eniola, the only one who can put up a good argument with me apart from my siblings. I heart you all.❤️❤️❤️

I have been writing since I can remember. I first started from drawing gigolos on paper or what my dad calls skylolos. They were really horrible things which could haunt someone in sleep. But, as I grew, I became better at it and moved on to making happily ever afters from those drawings. They were mostly narrations of Disney fairytales, especially beauty and the beast. I loved Belle, I absolutely did. Mind you, it wasn't because of her lovely hair or her yellow dress or her gracile demeanor. It was because she was an avid reader.

I wrote my first real novel, the one that made 40% sense when I just got into secondary school. It was titled SOPHIA. It was a series that followed the life of Sophia, a student and her boyfriend, Paul. It stretched into SOPHIA'S DAUGHTER. This title didn't fit the sequel because it was nothing about Sophia's daughter. As I write this, I cannot find all seven manuscript anywhere though it's been about eleven going on twelve years.

When I was done with Sophia, I got so bored and brought out a book one day. I began to write about twin sisters and the book REVENGER IS SWEETER WITH A PINT OF BLOOD was born. This story was a beautiful one. Only that when I read it three years later, there were so many plot holes and unnecessary occurrence, even unexplainable events. Don't blame me! I was what...eleven or twelve then?! This manuscript I still have.

After failure, they say, comes success. I finally wrote a novel that didn't have nonsensical balderdash, useless unfixable plot holes and totally unexplainable events. It was called IMAGINED. It was a series of ten books that announced me in school. I wrote this book about two years after I wrote REVENGE IS SWEETER WITH A PINT OF BLOOD. Ask me what I was doing in that time. What? Remember I told you I was an author who lets grass grow under my feet. Lol! That is not the reason anyways. I was actually crying over my lost manuscript and vowing never to write again so I didn't have to face the pain of losing manuscripts. (Guess what? I still wrote and lost more manuscripts. So much for not writing. I was drawn to it like a fly to palm wine.) IMAGINED followed the life of Alero Smith, a gynaecologist and her best friend turned lover, Zubby Charles Ezennaya. It is a story with so many twists that could leave even the hard hearted very frustrated. The script was an amazing one. (Yes I am tooting my own horn. But, if I don't toot it, will you do it for me? There we have the answer!)

CAPTURED BY EMOTIONS was the next in line. It was a high school coming of age based story. It followed the life of Princess Castle and Mitchel Obi from their school days till adulthood.

GONE LIKE THE WIND and HIDDEN TRUTH came right after that. My pen didn't stop for a moment until I finished secondary school, writing up books after books. Then, I got caught up in trying to get into the university and forgot all about writing until Covid-19 came. Some people say that it was a bad year for them. But strangely, it wasn't to me. I achieved thrice more than I achieved in 2018, 2019, 2021& 2022 put together in 2020. I wrote about Fifteen books in that year. BRIDE OF THE BENIGN(soon to be known as BRIDE OF THE BEAST), NANDA ISLAND, GROYNE, SUBTLE, COLD AS FIRE and FOR A PRICE was amongst them.

Furthermore, I love writing manuscripts by hand. There is nothing better than that to me, absolutely nothing. It just gives me a certain joy when I make mistakes and tear and tear off pages or papers. It gives my bedroom that much needs writer's vibe. I work better in such environment. Remember I said I was a very lazy writer? Now, this is the reason why.

In the final analysis, I have told you almost all about my self including what I like. But what don't I like? What do I dread? For one, I extremely dread having to lose people that I love. I dread any of my works going missing. I dread having my periods. Lol! I think almost every female does. I dread having to alter my books to suit someone. I dread being told I write absolute balderdash. Some people say it to me so bluntly that my heart bleeds uncontrollably at it. Most of them are actually non readers but why am I still bothered. Oh but it does hurt! Ouch!😢😭

Anyways, this is all about me for now. If you have any questions, ask me and I will put the answers up. You can PM or you can also drop a comment here. Good bye guys!!! Here are hearts❤️❤️❤️ for you and lots of Phire🔥🔥🔥 Love🌹🌹🌹💯

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