17 and 19

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 We got to know each other, He was always there for me, ready to make me happy when I was sad, and ready to coax me whenever I was angry. Every day he makes me feel how important I am to him.

" She's a-awake! Hon she's awake! Gaile is awake! Our dear daughter is awake! "

Why can't I feel my hands and legs, why can't I move my whole body. I could only hear the cries of a woman and a man, but I could not see their faces. all I could see was a warm light- wait little by little it became clear, I saw my mother's face crying while my father hugged her. What's happening? Why are they crying?

"Where's A-ce?" - At the same time as I mentioned that name, my whole vision went dark

"Such a spectacular view." - I laugh while looking at him.

"Stop it, Gaile."

Well I'm not lying it is really a spectacular view infront of me, the eiffel tower. Not the one next to me.

He hugged me from the back I tilted my head a bit so he can rest his head on my right shoulder. As I looked at the beautiful scene in front of me I thought that I was really lucky to have this man. I will never get tired of choosing him every day, I will ask for nothing more until my last breath. I will love him infinite.

17 and 19Where stories live. Discover now