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...ugh I hate my life...                             1126 Words

Why did I have to be born as a human.. I just don't want to stand out and graduate what have I done wrong here *cries internally*


Todays the first day of my sophomore year(10th grade) I don't think I'll cover myself with a hoodie because practically everyone in this school knows about me because of me being a human sigh..


I'm here now... I regret not wearing a hood 😭
Well I guess there's no going back haha....
<Hey Human> sigh I knew who that voice was..
<What do you want Kai> <oh so your speaking back you lowly human> <Just don't bother me> I replied and I swiftly went in the school buildin- <hey ,don't think you can get away from me> <what do you wa- OW->Kai just pushed me against the wall and we almost kissed LIKE I DONT WANT TO KISS THOSE CRUSTY MUSTY DUSTY LIPS OF HIS but before I could process everything In my head I heard something  *THUD* <what do you think your doing Kai.> the voice.. I knew this voice this was..Haru.. he's famous for kicking the asses of bullies in this school. <w-wait it's not what you thi-think ha-haru we were j-just conversing-> <how many times did I tell you to stop bullying other students?>haru said very seriously <I'm sorry I won't do it again just please spare me>Kai said while pleading to haru <fine only this time>haru replied with facing me and starting to walk to me. I was really really nervous even if I was the victim he's really scary.. and I'm not in the best condition like only a kick from a normal person can send me to the hospital... but what.. <are you okay?> butterflies went into my stomach and started fluttering I never got this emotion before... I just was speechless but then suddenly haru grabbed me and dragged me. I asked <w-what are you doing> he replied with< taking you to the nurse > <W-WAIT WHY> I asked obviously suprised <you seemed hurt so I decided just a little check up won't hurt, or is there a reason you can't go?>he glared at me sending shivers down my spine I said <w-well no-> <see now let's go>he quickly replied with a little concern in his voice<b-but> <what is it?> <I-I don't want to trouble ms rina..> <why would you trouble her?> he asked confused <well I came by almost every day last year> <oh... but that's no excuse let's go now..> I just sighed loud so he could hear.


At the nurses outfit

knock knock* <uh yes you can come in->
<hi miss rina...> I replied feeling a bit sad to bother this nice lady aka one of the only people that cared about me when I get hurt <oh poor you did you get bullied again come here I can bandage- oh wait did you bring your friend- wait or perhaps LOVER> she said while staring at haru I instantly replied with <NO HES NEITHER> miss rina replied sadly<oh then why is he here?> <well nothing really happened he just brought me here to get checked up on>I replied <oh really may I ask for your name student?!> <oh yes miss my name is haru> <i have to write something good about you and send it to the teachers office > <oh really miss you really don't have to>said haru while smiling <oh child you really are nice!> <your flattering me miss haha.>replied haru <okay anyway let's check up on your scars we should check them out to see how much they have healed> <scars?>haru replied with a worried tone <oh you know fushi has been bullied since his freshmen year haha>said miss with a sarcastic tone <what really?>replied haru with a serious tone <let's just Get this over with> I said while unbuttoning my clothes ,I sorta just forgot he was there so when I saw him looking at my bare upper body with scars I was embarrassed and told him to look away haha... long story short we got out of the nurses office and went back to our classes.


Next week

Another boring day of school sigh

I don't feel like showing my scars on my face today so I'll just wear a mask to cover my face Sighs again why can't my life just be Normal I just want to graduate and get money for my family so that they will finally be proud of me but I could nev...

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I don't feel like showing my scars on my face today so I'll just wear a mask to cover my face
Sighs again why can't my life just be Normal I just want to graduate and get money for my family so that they will finally be proud of me but I could never do that while I'm a human aHhhh I hate school it's literally prison.. oh the school bus is already here ....I DIDNT EVEN EAT BREAKFEST..oops

...Turns out I was ranting on about school being stupid for 30 minutes haha...

In class

Im so tired I couldn't sleep at all yesterday I only fell asleep at 5 am and I had to wake up at 6am (cries internally) I'm also hungry when is it lunch timeeeeee ugh my teacher interrupted my train of thoughts with <Okay class ,haru will join us for today and help you guys since almost all of you guys except Fushi are failing your tests/exams sigh> <hello my name is haru I'm looking forward to work with you guys> he said with a smile on his face which was pretty believing but I know a fake smile when I know one I basically see one everyday because of my sister haha...
<okay haru please sit next to that white haired boy!> .....why does he have to sit right next to meeeee ugh

Lunch timeee

I fell asleep in class because I was so tired I had really really really dark circles under my eyes I looked like I was homeless when it was lunch time a bell rang but that didn't even wake me up so the only reason because I woke up is... yeup you guessed it right haha...

<hey... Hey! .. HEY WAKE UP>

<F-FUCK w-WHAt oh it's just you haru>

<yeah yeah whatever,I have a question fushi>

<what is it?>

<do you want to eat lunch together?>

<well I guess so I don't really have any other plans then eating alone haha..>

<Let's eat in the class room Fushi>

<o-oh alright>

*haru shoves his desk near fushis desks and then sits down really close to Fushi literally touching him*

BApumm BApumm BApumm

<I-uh Haru please excuse me for a moments>I said while running out of the classroom to the bathroom


Why is my heart going crazy...

Don't tell me.. wait...


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