chapter 1

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The rain fell in heavy slashes, striking at Amaan but Aaron's expression hurt his heart more. Amaan stepped closer to Aaron but Aaron stepped away, afraid and angry. "Why won't you stay overnight with me?!" he said, raising his arm to point at Amaan. "You always ignore my requests and only want to hang out during the day, how do I know you aren't seeing other people?"

Amaan held a solemn expression and gazed into Aaron's tearful orbs. "Aaron, I promise I would never do such a thing," he started, stepping closer. Full of anger, the shorter one jumped in rage. "THEN WHY?!", he screeched, voice booming and shaking the trees. "WHY WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME?"

"I'M A WEREWOLF!" Amaan squealed, almost yapping like a dog. "EVERY FULL MOON I TRANSFORM INTO A HORRID HAIRY BEAST AND I COULDN'T STAND THE IDEA OF YOU HATING ME!" Amaan reached into his pockets, digging his chin into his coat with tears falling down his cheeks. Aaron had never seen Amaan so melancholy. His arm instinctively raised to wipe his tears, but Amaan already turned away after seeing the shorter's shocked expression.

"I'm sorry, Aaron, I can't be the man you want me to be..." Amaan walked away, dragging his heavy boots through the puddles pooling across the pavement.

Aaron's eyes never left the retreating figure. He pulled his arm over his eyes and wept into his elbow. "I could never hate you, Amaan..." he murmured quietly.

5 Years Later..

Aaron was alone for the first time in his life on Christmas Eve. The rest of his group had ditched him to play some video-game together, excited for the extra loot for Christmas.

"It's Amaan's favorite event of the year," he had said, refusing to join them, "I can't skip Christmas dinner." The others laughed at him, "Amaan?" they chortled, "You're still hung up on that guy? He's long gone, don't waste your time on him."

Aaron had clenched his fists behind his back, holding back his rage. "You wouldn't understand.." he had started, glaring at the floor, "You could never understand what we had..."

And now here he was sitting at a long table fit for six people, all alone on Christmas Eve. His mind jumped to the idea of calling Amaan and asking him to come over but he was afraid. Not afraid of the werewolf, but afraid of Amaan's reaction. He didn't have the guts to face him after that fight. His eyes rested on the wispy trees dancing in the wind outside the window by the fireplace in the living room. "No white Christmas this year, huh?" he whispered to himself.


Aaron jumped out of his seat at the knocks which repeatedly battered the door. Aaron got up and went to open the door - he wasn't in the mood for carols at the moment.

"Christmas carols aren't my thing, sorry-" he never finished that sentence once he locked eyes with the person looming over him. He was tall, wearing a dark blue coat and a gray patterned scarf. His hair was freshly trimmed, but slightly grown, like he had cut it only a week ago. His cheeks were puffed and red from the cold. Aaron didn't recognise the figure at first until he looked into his brown orbs. Everything about him had changed, but not his eyes.

"I didn't have anywhere else to go..." Amaan started, fiddling with his gloves in his hands. His head tucked into his scarf the second they made eye contact. For a few seconds they stood awkwardly at the door in silence, both unable to speak or move. Eventually, Amaan broke the silence with a quiet sneeze, startling the two of them. "Let's go inside, you must be freezing." Aaron said, but he still didn't meet his eyes. "Give me your coat and scarf, you can sit at the table where the plate has been set up already," Amaan looked at Aaron, worried and nervous, "Don't worry, I'll be there as soon as I get another plate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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