Ch.1 {The Days That Led to This Moment}

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A playlist to listen to while reading maybe 🤔

This is in three pov's:
3rd person

Neteyam's POV:

Me and my Na'vi family awaited the ceremony of the Toruk Makto( the leader of the forest Na'vi) in sadness. We knew we had to leave but it was hard for us, all of us including me. I thought I was gonna rule over the Forest just like my dad one day but I guess that won't come true...But I just have to look ahead and long to see what's waiting in the future. My little brother Lo'ak was holding back his tears after saying bye to his group of friends before heading to the ceremony. None of us wanted to go especially mom. She loved the forest but we had to leave to protect the people and I will protect my family. The horn blew and I knew it was time to go. "Everyone have their stuff packed? We have to hurry if we want to get to our destination sooner", said dad. "We're all packed", said everyone. We ran to the ceremony and waited in the crowd of forest Na'vi crying. The adult Na'vi who was gonna be the next Toruk Makto was holding his breath to not let out a cry. He slashed dads chest and told him to stay alive and he will be a great leader. In our culture you are supposed to kill the past leader so you will bring new life to the clan but this case was different. My dad wasn't passing it down for honor he had to, too protect the people and all the Na'vi knew that. My dad got up from his knees and walked over to us in the crowd. Mom took Tuk's (my baby sister) hand and walked with her down the path of the forest Na'vi crying, but standing her ground as a warrior she wept but kept her head high. Kiri, my sister was crying onto dads shoulder. I didn't see any tears from his. Lo'ak and me walked with my hand on his head bent down because he told me he was to ashamed to look into the Na'vies eyes for he thought all this was his fault. And me... I couldn't say a word just biting my lip with a single tear dropping out my left eye. I felt as if my duty to protect my family had been destroyed. I was the one who should have kept an eyes on my siblings and I failed. We packed our stuff onto the backs of the dragon and onto our backs. Mom rides with Tuk, Lo'ak and me ride together and Kiri and dad rided together. We waved goodbye to our family but still keeping hidden from any surrounding sky people. It would take 2 days and 1 night to get there. We gathered ourself mentally to face the journey. We left our home and we are on to a new one in the Sea Clan.

Anoungs POV:

It was a nice day in the Sea Clan, the sun was bright and the sea seemed perfect for a long dive in the waters. My younger sistier Tsireya and my younger brother Rotxo we're still asleep but I was up watching the sunrise. I felt like today was gonna be a good one, I never really say that so this is out of the ordinary? I wonder why I feel so connected to Eywa?(the life force kind of a spiritual thing) Maybe something will happen to me today or the clan. I don't know, I never really care about these types of things? I'm I going soft! No there's no way! I have to clear me head. I run into the water with a big cannon ball making all the water around me rise into a wave like shape in the air. It felt nice to not care about anything when you are just free in the water. It was about time I went back home and ate breakfast, the sun was already up. I walked into my home and saw my mom frying a big fish and wrapping it in leaf pieces. I greeted my dad and mom good morning.(the "I see you" sign, it's a common greeting in the Na'vi culture). It seemed my brother and sister had already left to hangout with friends. "Where were you this morning?", my mom asked. "Oh I was just going for a swim", I said. "Wow so you haven't been making and trouble that's surprising!", my mom says sarcastically. "Yeah...", I mumble trying to laugh it off so she doesn't ask any more questions. I usually make a lot of trouble for my parents. It's just kind of stressful knowing that I'm gonna be chief one day. There's no way I'm gonna tell them I don't want to be chief, I think I do? I don't know it's confusing! I just want to have a little fun while I can before I turn 16 in a few mouth's. That's when I start training to become chief and I handle clan duties. I walk out of the house and I go to a place by the beach where we can sit and talk with everyone, like a hangout spot. I would say I'm the leader of the group, well me and my brother Rotxo. We usually just talk about hunting and play games in the water till sundown. But I had a feeling that what I felt in the water at sunrise was a sign of something. "Hey guys I'm gonna go, you know duty calls", I said jokingly. "I'll come too", said Rotxo. It's fine I'm just gonna go beyond the reif to ride my Ilu( a kind of animal that is used like a dragon but in the water and are gentle). "If you say so", Rotxo says while siting back down. I run off to call my Ilu, I give her some treats and I play with her in the water. "Hey lulu(not the real name of his Ilu but I just made up something) did you feel anything weird today" , i say in a language she can understand me in. She sakes he head no. "Humm it might just be me", I say with a sigh. I better go talk to dad about it maybe it's something serious. "Lulu you can go back I'm gonna leave for the day". Lulu waves her tail and disappears into the water. I go back to my house and I taped on the shoulder. "Hey dad can I ask you something really quick". "Yes Anoung?", he says with curiosity since I almost never ask him for anything. "Did you feel anything strange today like a sign of some sorts?", I say with worry. "No, I can't say that I have, but what's wrong?", my dad says. "Oh it's nothing I just thought I felt or heard a message from Eywa?", I say. "Well it looks like you have to figure that out yourself. We all have our own special connection with the Great Mother, only you can know what this means.", my dad says. "Ok I'll try", I say while going to my part of the house to lay down. As my eyes shut and the sun goes down I wonder what that message meant.

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