Ch.2 { The Meeting}

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This is in Neteyams POV
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Neteyam's POV:

During our travels the wind and the seas roared. My hair was drenched with the wetness of the water. My dragon was getting weaker, we had been flying for 2 days already. "Are we almost there yet"?, Tuk said. "Yes I can see the island"!, says my dad. You can feel the sigh of relief on my family's faces. We were finally here! As we approached the island all the sea Na' vi gathered to shore to see us. They all looked so different? We landed on the island and I felt my feet touch the warm sand. It felt so good to be on ground!Though I felt as if everyone was staring at me and my family. I helped Lo'ak off and told him to be nice and greet everyone so did dad. We meet the Olo' Eyktan(a leader like Neteyam's dad) of the Metkayina clan people of the sea clan. He looked big and had wavy hair. He was light blue unlike me, and had different markings on his face. "Who are you and what brings you to Metkayina", the Na'vi says." We come in peace, we mean no harm", says my father. "My name is Jake Sully and this is my family, we come in search of refuge". A female Na'vi comes out of the crowd, and she bares a child. She may be the Chiefs mate? "And what are you forest Na'vi doing her?", she says." They are here to be sheltered by us my dear", the leader says. The female Na'vi looks at my mom and dad up and down like they are objects. My mom turns her gaze to the female Na'vi hissing and eyeing her. "You know my husband was the Toko Mato", mom says in a  cunning voice. They both stood close to each other showing their intimidation to each other. But then the female Na'vi looks at my siblings and they take Lo'aks hand and says"they have demon blood!" My face turned to a sour expression I wanted to shout "NO WE ARE NOT", but I knew no good would come if I said that. I know my brother hated when people would point out his fingers.We all did. But lucky my father interrupted her speech just as the  sea Na'vi started to point and gossip. "Look, my fingers also carry demon blood! We are a mixed breed, it's possible." Everyone seemed dumb founded. I'm guessing they thought all sky people are bad. Then the chief spoke" Ronal,(the name of the female Na'vi), we can at least give them a chance to show what they can bring"." No they don't even know our ways! They would be a laughing stock in the clan!", said Ronal. "Then we will teach them!" Just then appeared two sea Na'vi from the backs of the chief and his wife. One looked older about my age, the other one was a younger Na'vi about Kiri's age. But something kept pulling me to look at the older one, his eyes were so magical. I greeted him politely with the "I see you" sign. My eyes couldn't help but look at him while he walked towards us. He was tall with a high bun in his hair, and he had such a big tail! The two Na'vis looked at us with annoyance. The younger one was making fun of my tail and the others followed. They even tried to touch Kiris tail! Luckily she hit their hands. Then me and my brother couldn't help but look into the water where we saw a young Na'vi emerge from the waters. I tried to tell my brother to look at her but his eyes were already glued to her. I think he might like her by the way he's staring at her. She just pushed her hair back and waved at me and my brother with a shy smile. But we stopped looking when the chief said something unexpected. "BROTHERS AND SISTERS THESE FOREST NA'VI HAVE COME TO US FOR REFUGE. WE ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE WHO COME FROM EYWA, THEY WILL TRAIN LIKE BABIES TO UNDERSTAND OUR WAYS, I HUMBLY TELL YOU TO WELCOME THESE NEW MEMBERS TO OUR FAMILY!" A cheer comes from the crowd and soon after all of them were clapping and saying welcome ,all of them greetings us. I'm so glad we were not turned away! The chief than said that his children Tseriya the young Na'vi we saw in the water, Roxto, the younger Na'vi that was making fun of our tail. Then Anoung, the oldest Na'vi we saw would be giving me and my siblings lessons so we wouldn't make a fool of ourselves in the clan. As soon as Anoung heard this he got very mad and tried to say no but his father silenced him saying he had to obey his orders. Anoung looked at me with resentment I couldn't blame him if I had to teach some Na'vi I didn't know how to fish or how to use a bow I would lose my mind. Though he looked mean he somehow spoke to me without saying anything. It was like I was reading his mind and he was reading mine. It felt so weird to be connected to someone you've never met before? Tseritya walked over to us and said she will show us our house. Meanwhile my brother was smiling at her. We reached our house and got settled in. It wasn't to big but not to small. Dad sat us down to have a family meeting, "I want all of you to be on your best behavior. We are new here and if we mess this up we have no where to go and they will catch us."I want to go home!", said Tuk. "Oh Tuk~", my mom says while hugging her. "This is our home now Tuk, I'm sure it won't be that bad?", I said, "your right", said Tuk. I knew no one wanted to be there but we had no choice. It was late and we all needed sleep from our journey. I moved to my side of the house and shut my eyes. We would start lessons in the morning with the Chiefs kids. I don't know why I was looking forward to it but I was. It would be exciting to learn something new. Also maybe make some new friends.

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