Part 7

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It had been a couple off weeks, everyone was back to their normal lives. Larissa and Morticia hadn't seen each other in ages. Larissa looked at the calendar. Her eyes widen as she seen that tomorrow was valentines day. 

She slowly got up out of her bed and threw on some clothes. She grabbed her wallet and keys and headed for the shops.

Morticia on the other hand wasn't expecting anything from Larissa and decided to just grab Gomez some things on her journeys.

Larissa had went the whole day decorating and organising things making them seem perfect, the one thing she hadn't figured out was how she was going to get Morticia to come over.


It was 6:03am, Larissa was up for some obscure reason. She went downstairs to see all her decorations still sitting perfectly.

She lounged about the house for ages trying to decide how to invite Morticia over.

Just as she was about to send the message, there was a knock on the door...


Morticia had woke at 7:45am, Gomez was still asleep, she let it slide thinking he had done something nice for her downstairs last night after she went to bed.

She went down only to see the plain black, empty room. A frown grew across her face.

Gomez had eventually woke up, ''Good morning mi amour'' 

''Good morning.'' Morticia was blunt and snappy with her replies.

''What's the frown?''

''You forgot what today was!''

''Our anniversary?'' Gomez looked truly puzzled...that was it...he had forgotten.

''No! Valentines day!'' Morticia's blood was boiling, her mind was thinking.

''Oh, I didn't think you enjoyed Valentines Day''

''Gomez, it is one of my most favourite non gloomy, black, dull day. How could you forget?'' And with that Morticia had left the house.

Gomez shrugged it off and went on with his normal mornings. Morticia was shocked to not hear or see any sign of her husband trying to follow her, make her feel better or even get her back into the house. 

''Oh I bet Larissa wouldn't forget! I bet she would make me feel like the most wonderful woman alive! Not you though, all you do it forget!'' Morticia angrily began walking.


Larissa stood up and began walking towards the door, she opened it only to be greeted by the slightly shorter, black haired, pale skinned woman.

''Morticia?'' Larissa gave a concerning expression as she seen the tear marks on her face ''What's wrong sweetie?''

Morticia came forward wrapping her arms around Larissa's waist.

''I actually have something for you.'' Morticia looked up at Larissa as she slowly took her hand and followed her in.

Morticia's face lit up as she seen the room. 

There was balloons, roses, candles, chocolates and teddies. 

''Happy Valentines day my love'' Larissa stood behind Morticia, placing her hands on her waist.

''Oh...I love it L, I love you!'' Morticia turned round pulling the blonde down into her kiss.

''I love you too!'' The kiss lasted longer than usual, but neither wanted it to end.


''Yes? Is everything ok?''

''I think I want to tell Gomez about us'' Morticia looked up at the tall blonde as she cuddled the teddy which smelled just of her.

''Are you sure? Do you know what could happen is you do?''

''Yes, and I don't care. I want to be yours. I want 100 off you! And I never want to let you go...Ever!'' 

''Ok then, I'm down if you are!'' The blonde gave the woman a smile before exchanging a quick kiss.


The two women had arrived at The Addams Family Home. Larissa who was a tad nervous stood behind Morticia.

Morticia walked into the house standing in the hall way.

''Gomez'' She shouted out before getting a short snappy response.


''Can you come down here please!''

A short, stout man came down to where the two ladies stood.


''Gomez.'' If looks could kill, Larissa had just killed Gomez.

''So what is it you need to tell me M? Huh?"

''Gomez, I think we should...''

Too be continued xx

Larticia xxOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant