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Okay, so as the description goes the first years are gods, so I'm gonna make a little tweak on their backstory.

- All their "backstories" are a lie

- All "family members" currently are just favored servants

- Sebek and Yuu were walking around looking like 15 year olds

Backstory info (changed by me):

- Sebek and Yuu met Malleus when they were looking like 13 year olds and admired his courage, so they decided to serve him, but to protect themselves they put up fake personas.

- Jack wasn't childhood friends with Vil, because when he was 5 his family moved to the village of harvest, where he befriended Epel his one and only friend (now lover)

- Ace and Deuce lived in a snowy place, so legends say they will help out lost children (It's true!)

- (don't blame me if this doesn't make sense I'm trying believe me)


Ace x Deuce

Jack x Epel

Sebek x Yuu


Ace - God of Air

Deuce - God of Victory

Epel - God of family (like Hestia from Greek myths)

Jack - God of Justice

Sebek - God of Thunder

Yuu - Goddess of Balance

Grim - A creature appointed by Yuu to create chaos ("In balance there will always be chaos")

(In this AU Yuu is a girl and is in Diasomnia, therefore having magic. Also, Hades exists so they will be minor gods.)

Real backstories:

Sebek & Yuu: Died in a burning house when soldiers attacked their village, later resurrected because the gods admired their love till the end. (Died ages 11 1/2 and 12)

Epel: Was the last person to die in a virus epidemic at his village, reason was exhaustion from finding herbs that were for the sick people. Was later resurrected because of Jack. (died at age 13)

Jack: Was best friends with Epel, when he died he pleaded to the skies to bring his best friend back, and the gods relented and blessed them with godhood and immortality because of their compassion and friendship.

Ace and Deuce: They somehow lived all in a big house in a snowy place out in the wilderness because their families were friends. One day they were both having a race with Ace's siblings in the mountains, but suddenly an avalanche appeared. They both were able to save all their siblings but sadly didn't make it. The gods took pity and blessed them with godhood. (Died ages 10 & 10 1/2)

Last words before godhood(Let's make some angst! ;) ) 

Yuu: "Sebek?..Are we going to die?"

Sebek: "Yuu..I'm afraid so.."

Epel: "Jack, one worthless life like mine compared to 100 potential lives are nothing.."


Ace: "Deuce...the cold...but..comforting.." 

Deuce: "Hey Ace..I won, didn't I?"

Wait..THE FIRST YEARS ARE GODS?! (Twst God! Au)Where stories live. Discover now