What does it mean to be a kid?

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May 23, 2022

What does it mean to be a kid? Sometimes I wonder will I ever get to be a kid. What does it mean to be a kid. Adults these days tell us to "sit down," "stop acting out," "be more mature," "if u keep acting childish no one would wanna deal with u." What does it mean to be a kid? Sometime I just wna be able to just be a kid without having responsibilities of an adult or learning things at a early age. What does it mean to be a kid? Older siblings can't be a kid because the parents put the youngest kids on them like its their responsibility causing the oldest to lose out on just being a kid; but then get back lashed or get criticized when they get older and explain themselves. The parents wanna deny it but why deny when it's true, is it because you can't see it, or is it cause you don't wna face the fact that you knew you was wrong? What does it mean to be a kid? Middle child or middle kids of the family gets ignored, but yet gets blamed for almost everything, I speak form experience. What does it mean to be a kid? The youngest of the bunch basically gets whatever they want if not they throw a fit, they get all the praise but yet be told to grow up and stop acting out. What does it mean to be a kid? Why does every kid in the world has to grow up fast but then get criticized about being grown. What does it mean to be a kid? Why do adult tell kids to "stay in a child's place" when all they do is force us to grow up and act a certain way all because they don't like how we act. What does it mean to be a kid? Why do us kids have to fight inside our minds because of the stress we've been put threw and still being put threw including the other things we're facing. What does it means to be a kid? Tbh I just wna know one question. What does it truly means to just be a kid?

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