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Vanya Hargreeves walks down the busy street carrying a large black violin case with her brunette hair tied in a low bun, she wore an off-white coloured shirt underneath a navy blue sweater and black jacket with leather sleeves. As Vanya strolled through the street she passed a store with vintage looking tv's on shelves playing the news, she was about to carry on walking when the suddenly a breaking news banner showed on the tv's with a picture of her dad Reginald Hargreeves, she heard the news reporter faintly say "we're going now live to a breaking story." Vanya listened closely, pure sadness filled her face as the news reporter carried on "billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves has passed away" as sadness filled her body Vanya carried on walking back to her apartment.

The next morning Vanya awoke to the sound of her alarm clock screeching she reached over to the bedside table and pressed her palm over the snooze button as she lay back down burying her head into the pillow the alarm clock screeches again, Vanya groans and picks up the alarm clock throwing it against the wall making it turn off, she sat up brushing her chocolate brown hair out of her face " I should get ready for dads funeral but I doubt anyone would want me there" Vanya said to herself as she pulled herself out of bed and walked to her closet opening the door and looking through her clothes, as she got dressed and tied her hair into a low bun all she could think about was the announcement of her dads death on the news and how her siblings would react to her being at his funeral, Vanya left her gloomy apartment and got a taxi to her childhood home which she has not been inside for a number of years.

As Vanya hopped out of the taxi and walked up the steps to her childhood home she hoped that her siblings would at least be happy to see her, she pushed open the doors that had windows on them with umbrella symbols engraved into the glass and she hesitantly walked inside hoping to be greeted by her siblings, just as Vanya thought no one was home her sister Allison walked down the grand staircase of the house, Allison wore a navy blue short sleeved blouse with black trousers that were slightly flared at the bottom, her high heels clacks as she walked down the stairs smiling " Vanya?, you're actually here" she said with a sympathetic and sad look on her face as she walked closer to Vanya and hugged her softly, silence occurred the room until Diego entered walking straight past Vanya and Allison with an angry look on his face " you don't belong here not after what you did" Diego said sternly as he walked up the grand staircase, Allison looks at Diego as he walks up the stairs with annoyance in her voice she says " you're seriously gonna do this today?" As Diego stops halfway up the stairs and is about to say something when Allison cuts him off mocking him about the clothes he decided to wear for the funeral.

Why is Allison defending Vanya after what she did Diego thought as he carried on walking up the grand staircase.

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