Goodbyes are not forever

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3 years ago you left this earth
For a bit I lost life's worth
When I hear the wind whip
I remember you are not gone

My guilt haunted me
Like a flower I wilted
I was not dead though
I still had life
I was just a bit tilted

The wind can make trees fall
The wind can make buildings collapse
The wind can tear the world apart
The wind can throw rain
But sometimes the wind can be calm
Sometimes the wind can be like a hug
Sometimes the wind can blow things under the rug
Sometimes the wind can be warm and kind
You would know it even if it came from behind

Bella is my wind

She holds my plane in the air
She is beneath my sail
She listens to my stories
She never leaves

When I think she's gone the wind comes and I get a sense of relief

Bella is my wind.

Even though I am sad the wind and the rain don't make me feel bad
They make me feel better
Because it's my baby saying she's here

The rain covers everything it wants to
The wind destroys everything it wants to
The rain nurtures everything it wants to
The wind hugs everything it wants to

I said goodbye on January 19th
But I see you everyday
I know you'll never lead me astray
So that's why I say
I go where the wind takes me
I go where you take me
Goodbyes are not forever 🤍

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