Chapter 2

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It was 4 am.
I opened my eyes. Everyone else was still asleep, it was still dark outside and the moon was shining through the dusty old windows. There were probably two hours left before we would have to get ourselves ready for training. I stood up and walked to the door, making sure no one was awake so they wouldn't hear or see me. I was so tired, if it wasn't so important I would gladly go back to bed and try to take a glimpse of sleep before returning to the terrifying reality I live in, two hours later. But I knew I couldn't. I had to take every chance I got and every little second of time I had, to train. To prove that I'm worthy enough to be here. To be the strongest, even though it was hard to find motivation after failing every once again. I listend to any kind of noises or voices, before opening the squeaky door as quiet as possible. "Боже why does this door have to be so loud ? ",I thought. I looked around the hallway, Luckily no one was around. With quite and quick steps I made myself into the direction of the training room. I closed the door behind me as I stepped into the room. Like a reflex I went directly to the old and almost holed punching bag in the corner, making my first punch. Thank god the noise wasn't so loud as I expected it to be. Taking a deep breath, considering the little time I had left before having to return I concentrated and went right for it. All my strength, all my fear and all my pain came together at once, as I punched the bag for almost an hour straight. I didn't even noticed how hard I punched, until i saw my the back of my hands bleed. With a last kick, i stopped myself and walked back to the door. Exhaustion overtook me and I wanted nothing more than to sleep. With quietness I opened the door and made fast steps in to the direction of the girls room. I almost reached the door, before I heard a few voices in the distance talking to each other. I couldn't decide if I should just go to bed or sneak on the people to hear the conversation. Curiosity had the better of me so I decided to walk slowly into the direction the voices came from, knowing the consequences I would get in if I was caught. There were two guards sitting at a table and talking in Russian. I hid behind a corner. " ...откуда ты знаешь?» ( how do you know) , said one man. »я слышал мадам б разговаривать об его приезде»
( I heard madam b talk about his Arrival) «ты уверен?» ( are you sure?)
«Да. Он не просто легенда, он реальный» ( yes, hes not just a legend, hes real.)
Who are they talking about? I thought. I wanted to move a bit closer to hear a bit better. Suddenly the wooden floor cracked beneath my feat and the two man turned quickly to my direction. I hid behind the wall of the corner, holding for my dear life. «Кто там?» ( who is there ?) one of them asked. The other one shrugged and said: «наверно опять крысы по полу лазают» ( probably rats crawling on the floor again) "но нам лучше про этого не говорить больше. не спрашивай меня. ты это не узнал от меня." ( but we shouldn't talk about him anymore. Don't ask don't have the information from me.) the man beside him nodded, not a word exchanged anymore. I relieved a breath I didn't know I was holding. After making sure the man weren't going any near my direction, I slowly made myself back to my room. After slipping through the door and laying back in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about what the guards were talking about. Who was this man who was coming? And why was this so called "legend" so dangerous to talk about?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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