Farmers' market at the wharf

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"ok family, I know this is different to our usual location in big city but it's nice, ain't it?" Bill asked,

Big city being further away now (and there was no room in this week's market) has led the Greens to a pier-side town, not too long a drive from Smalton for this week's farmer's market, with them having the bigger space of a farm, there was more produce to sell, luckily the town had a lot of small businesses and resturants nearby,

business was already going well, not outstanding, but well

"it's alright" Cricket said, sounding skeptical

"WELL I HATE IT!" Alice yelled
"Wonder Wharf...did I tell ya about when I lost my old wooden leg on the rollercoaster?"

"so many times ma, you don't have to tell it again-"

"Years ago I went out to visit this theme park because back in the day it was the only one for miles and was a big new thing. anyway, I got on the rollercoaster with your father, and when I get out my leg is trapped and I never saw it again!"

"oh good grief" Bill rolled his eyes as he loaded tomatoes onto the veg stand

"ya think it fell into the ocean Gramma?" Cricket eagerly asked

"don't encourage her, son" Bill said tiredly

"Papa, I for one am excited to explore our new surroundings and meet new people" Tilly said happily, helping her father setting up the stand by making posters for advertising

"that's great sweetie...not a lot of folks like I first hoped, but things will pick up" Bill said optimistically.

Bob was walking around the market, his two youngest kids goofing around:

"Gene, what are you doing?" Bob asked as his son lurks around a stall

"Dad I want this" Gene said, holding up something made out of shells stuck together from the beach

Bob tried to see what it was supposed to be, but was still confused
" it?"

"it's a sculptre" the stall owner spoke up

"of what?" Bob asked, still confused, squinting at the statuette

"out of shells" the vendor answers again

"what is it a sculpture of though?" Bob asked, still really not getting it

"isn't it obvious? It's a dolphin"

"hmm..." Bob made a doubtful noise, really hoping the kids wouldn't actually want to-

"I have five dollars" Louise said, hilding some money

"from where?" Bob asked, wondering where hus daughter had gotten it from, she didn't vrung any with her to the market as far as he was aware

"from your wallet" she answered casually.

Bill was still having trouble selling produce at the new market
"Gee I tried all the social media stuff Gloria said and it's still near-empty" he said, looking confused at the phone

"It's cause yer doin it wrong!" Alice called and took the phone before posting something to the account and handing the phone back to her son

"Ma this is just an emoji of a potato" Bill said

"Exactly! People will be floodin in a matter of minutes boy, watch!" Alice said, expecting people to come on cue,

After a few seconds of nothing Alice started to yell


Bill just sighed, a little down and anxious on possibly failing his farm and his family again,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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