The begging to it all ;)

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Ding dong "honey go get the door" "okay mama" "oh hay babe so you ready to go " yah why not by mama". This is where it all began I was leaving with my boyfriend at the time every thing was perfect.I came home to everyone asleep like normal . Then my phone got an up date for emojis. When I got them I had no idea what they look like or that there were any new emojis .Everyone I talk with would say when the new emojis were coming out. "I don't know maybe they had author thing on there mind. By the way I am a good girl I am a state A student. I am in football and love fried chicken with hot sauce. When I go out to eat I go to Taco Bell. When I was getting change and I got a message from my boyfriend he said "I hope you had a good time tonight love you see you at practice. she text back smile on her face and happy.Her phone glitched after typing the emoji but it then went back on and she then sent the message .

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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