Meeting Katrina

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When Harry woke the next day he had a splitting headache. All he could remember was falling asleep of a bench after having an argument with his mother. He sat up, looking around the room he was currently in. Across the room he could see a tall wardrobe with large amounts of girls clothes in. On the left was a door, leading into what he guessed was a bathroom. On the other side of the room was a large desk, scattered with various paint brushes and sketching pencils. Above this he could see a few One Direction posters. Oh no, he has been kidnapped by a fan. He must get out of here. He pulled the cover's back and jumped out of the bed. Making his way down the stairs as quietly as possible and entering the room opposite which happened to be the living room. That's when he saw her. She was stunning and she was also snoring. Lying on the couch, Katrina was sleeping spread out on the sofa. She was clearly cold which is why she had puled her fur coat over her slender frame. To Harry she looked like a female replica of himself, Bright green eyes and long curly hair. She rolled over, almost falling off the couch however turning so she was facing the other door.

"Katrina, are you awake, He isn't in your room any...." In front of Harry stood a short brunette girl with brown eyes. She looked at his panicked state and her sleeping sister and jumped between the two.

"Please don't hurt her, she didn't mean to bring you here it's just she was worried about you."

Harry sighed, not sure what to make off Katrina who was now stirring. "So you didn't kidnap me?" He asked, ditching his plan to dash to the main door.

"No we didn't kidnap you, we just wanted to help. She just wanted to help." She thought for a moment, "There's cooked breakfast in the kitchen if you want it."

He thought about his situation at home....Not good. He then thought about the boys who were scattered in different parts of the world, far too busy spending time with their families and Loved ones. Maybe these girls could help. At least now he knew that they hadn't kidnapped him. While having this internal debate, he followed Ali into the kitchen who was praying for Katrina to wake up so she wouldn't have to deal with her sister's celebrity obsession.

As they both ate in silence, Katrina ha now woken up and was looking around, curious as to why she was lying on the sofa instead of sleeping in her room. Rubbing her eyes and smudging her make-up she entered the kitchen, shocked when she saw two figures eating at the dining table. One of them being her celebrity crush.

"Am I dreaming?" She thought out loud.

"No, I assure you this is actually happening. Aren't you going to welcome our guest?"

Kat blushed, covering her face in embarrassment. "Hello, I'm Kat." Although she seemed nervous, inside she was screaming.

"Nice to meet you." Ali walked out of the Kitchen smirking at Katrina who was trying her best to avoid her friend's stare.

"So, I heard you performing last night." She looked over at him in shock, thinking he had forgotten everything that had happened.

"Oh, err..."

"Don't worry, I thought it was good" He smiled at her. "So your a fan?"

"Yes, But I'm not obsessive. I just want you guy's to be happy." He smiled at her. "Can I stay here then or a few nights? Not to intrude or anything.

"Yeah, that's fine but why don't you go home? Don't you think your mum will be worried?" She looked at her idol in concern.

"We had a bit of a falling out." He looked down guilty.

"What happened. You don't come home very often and I thought you and your mother got on very well?" He stood up, moving his plate over to the sink an began filling it.

"Well it was about Louis actually."She looked at him signalling to stop washing and continue talking. He ignored her, continuing to clean the dishes.

"Well I asked him if he wanted to come with me this Christmas because he normally says he will come to mine first and then to his family but he just shrugged me off, saying wanted to stay at the flat by himself. When I got home alone my mother was mad at me for leaving him by himself. He was the one who said he didn't want to come." He sighed.While he was talking, Katrina was thinking. Lou was as far as she knew a happy excitable young man who was very close to harry and often spent his birthday with him. What had happened?

"Have you spoken to him since? It is Christmas eve tomorrow."

"No but I will give him a call..."


"Throughout the day Harry had spent most of his time watching the TV and waiting for Katrina to come back from the shopping centre. At about 6pm she returned to make dinner. Ali still wasn't home from work so she invited Harry into the Kitchen to keep her company.

"I bought you some clothes while I was out. Thought you might want something clean to wear. I'm not sure if they will fit or not." While he went into the bathroom to shower and change Katrina was still thinking about what had happened with Louis. Why would he want t stay home for his birthday and Christmas. She will get Harry to phone and find out. When he cam back downstairs dinner was finished but Ali still wasn't home. Katrina didn't think much of it. Her friend had probably gone out somewhere. While they were eating, Harry decided he had had enough of staying in the flat.

"Can I come and watch you perform tonight?" He asked, trying to sound casual.

She tried to swallow her drink and not spit it out. Instead of protesting she just tried to convince him another way.

"Won't the Paparazzi find you if you go out?" She finished off her meal before getting up to go and change her clothes.

"Well they didn't find me yesterday. Please can I watch?" She sighed. "Fine."

This was not going to end well...

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