Chapter 11 The New Couple's Gift

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Mark's POV
I kisssd Indi, and she kissed back.
"Yeah Mark!" Jerome said.
Indi and I stopped, turned around and saw the gang in the room.
"You did good Mark!" Mitch said.
My face turned red.
I pulled Indi close to me.
Mitch held Lizzy while Jerome, Sky and Ty were going crazy.
"This calls for another night out!" Jerome said.
"I think we should have a night out here." Lizzy said.
"I think that would be best." Sky said.
Mitch and Ty nodded their heads.
"We're okay with it." Indi said.
"Jerome?" Mitch asked.
"Even better!" He said happliy.
We all laughed.
"Lets do dis!" Sky said.
Indi and I were about to get up when Lizzy stopped us.
"Why dont you two stay here. We'll get the stuff." She told us.
"We will?" Jerome said.
Mitch kicked Jerome.
"Ow! Yeah we will." He said.
Indi giggled.
"Alright but call us if you need help." I said.
"Dont worry." Mitch said.
They walked out of the room and left.
"I hope they'll be ok." Indi said.
"They'll be fine." I told her.
I thought to myself for a second.
"Im gonna do a video." I told her.
"Okay have fun." She said.
I went into the spare room and got out my camcoreder and hit record.
"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to a vlog. Now a lot of things has happened over the past few days here in San Antonio and I just want to metion some of thoes things," I started, "first meeting you guys, I alway say this but its always makes me happy to see you guys. You always put a smile on my face and to hear your stories about how I changed your life is always music to my ears. Second I've been hanging out with other youtubers, like SkyDoesMinecraft, JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, DeadloxMC, Lizzy13Gamer and IndiDigsGaming. Let me tell you they are the most amazing group of people you can find their links in the discription. You've might of seen a video that I did with IndiDigsGaming it was a gmod video and it was great. She's an amazing beginer youtuber. Which brings me to my next topic. Now I know a lot of girls are not gonna be happy, but I've finally got a new girlfriend. Yes, and Im sorry laddies. I'll flash her picture on screen, now she should look familar, thats because its Indi. Yes Indi and I are together. Now I think I've talked for long enough but thats basicly all thats happened so far. I cant wait to get home and make some more vidoes for you guys and I hoping that to get some of my new friends invole as well. Thank you guys so much for watching and as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye bye." I finished the vlog and posted on youtube.
I came out of the room and saw Indi on the couch.
"You okay?" I asked her.
She stood up and walked over towards me.
"I'm alright." She told me.
She stood beside me.
"Might not be able to help with outings," she started, "that doesnt mean we cant help here."
At first I didnt know what she was talking about but then I got it.
"My hotel isnt that messy is it?" I said.
"No but we can add some decorations." She said.
"Ok lets do that." I said.
~After Putting Up Decortations~
The place looked ready for a party.
A party thats for Indi and myself.
I looked at Indi. She was busy putting dvds and cds on the tv rack.
I sneaked up on her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"You almost done?" I asked.
"Just about Mark." She told me.
She put the last few dvds or cds on the self.
I moved my hand down her side.
"Dont even think about it." She said.
I started to tickle her.
She started to laugh.
"!" She said while laughing.
"I dont think I will." I told her.
We fell on the lovesit couch.
She was on top of me, and I was still tickling her.
"Mark...please!" She said.
I took my hands off of her and looked at her, and she stared right back at me.
"I love you Sarai." I said.
"I love you too." She said.
I smiled.
"Are you going to start using my real name from now on?" She asked.
"Yes I am." I answered.
She moved up more to reach my head.
I leaned and kissed her, and she
*Ding Dong* went the doorbell.
"They're here already?" Indi said while getting off of me.
Indi's POV
I walked up to the door and saw the guys.
"Lets get this party started!" Mitch and Jerome said.
"The place looks great!" Lizzy said.
"I had a little bit of help." I said standing beside Mark.
"We told you we would take care of it." Mitch said.
"We still wanted to help." Mark said.
"Either way it looks great!" Jerome said.
"Thanks!" Mark said.
"Look at what we bought." Ty said while lifting the bags.
"What did you get?" I asked.
"Something for the new couple." Lizzy said as she took the bag away from Ty.
"Aww you dont want to give to us now?" Mark said sounding bumed out.
"Its for later." She told him.
"Lets start the party!" Sky said.
"Yes!" Mitch said.
~certain hours into the celebration~
Mark's POV
"Is that really what happen?" I asked.
"That was the first video I did with Mitch and jerome but it ending with me dieing at the deathmatch of minecraft hunger games." Indi explained.
I laughed.
"Its not funny!" She said as she playfuly hit me.
"Actually it was pretty funny." Mitch said.
"You guys are Jags!" She said while laughing.
"I think its time to give the new couple there gift." Lizzy said.
"About time!" Ty yelled.
Lizzy stood up and brought our gift.
I let Indi open it.
She looked inside it and saw a pair of keys.
"What are these for?" She asked while pulling them out.
"Well you always wanted a house in the states, so I talked with mom and dad and they said they would get a new house in the states for you and guess with state." She said.
Indi looked at me, then back at Lizzy.
"Do you get me a house in L.A?" She asked her.
Lizzy nodded her head.
"That way would be near to Mark." Mitch added.
Indi started to cry.
"You're the best sister I've ever had!" She said while giving Lizzy a hug.
"What about her house in Canada?" I asked.
"Well, two things," Lizzy started, "mom and dad have agreed to take of the house while you're gone, and I will take care of it if Mitch and Jerome come down from Florida." She told me.
I nodded my head.
"I promise to come and visit you Canada." I told Indi.
"I know you will." She said taking my hand.
"Thanks for the gift guys." Indi said.
"Group hug!" Mitch yelled.
They all dog pile on Indi and I.
These guys are the best!

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