A Graveyard of Angels

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Title: A Graveyard of Angels

Author: obviouslyNOTsarah

Genre: Paranormal

Sub-genre: Romance

Reads: 517


"I've always wanted to try this."


"Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ ---------- ☼ ---------- ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Rheyna enjoys her new life in Heaven as an Angel... What's not to like?

There's endless hours of dedication at Nirvana Academy, boundless lands for exploration in the Kingdoms Above, and countless opportunities for reincarnation at the Celestial Palace.

Except she never felt like she belonged there.

Always barely graduating at the bottom of the class, never allowed to visit the Earthly Realm, and not to mention the Archangels that take every opportunity to humiliate her, you could say Rheyna hasn't had an easy life - even after death.

Until she meets Devyn, the mysterious Demon that has been sent to the academy as a means of Heaven and Hell bridging between a ridge that has divided the two worlds for centuries.

Wanting nothing to do with the troublemaking newcomer, Rheyna stays as far away from him as her wings will carry her, so naturally, Devyn is drawn to her.

However, in the midst of their unanticipated encounter, a new mystery blooms, all of which points to Devyn as the perpetrator.

Slowly, Rheyna learns to see the good in the bad, but with angels disappearing left and right, can Rheyna really trust Devyn for who he claims to be?

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