Chapter 6: Secrets

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Ben was using Upgrade to hack into SHIELD's systems. It led to a dead-end; The Agency apparently knew less than he did. There were usual reports, operations and personnel data, as well as documents on targets, most wanted and other prospects. Ben wasn't surprised to see a handful of his villains catalogue make an appearance on the SHIELD's most wanted list. Not to mention a lot of Black box data sites, sketchy operations and missile codes.

He found a load of references to something referred to as "Phase 2". It was something big, powered by the Tessaract. The files were redacted, but employing a bit of brute force interfacing and he could see what seemed to be Blueprints.

SHIELD was definitely up to something.

Interestingly enough, he'd found a whole load of files on himself, his cousin and Grandpa, as well as their adventures during this summer. The files, however, were heavily redacted.


Bruce and Tony are in a lab, examining the scepter. Bruce says that the gamma readings are consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. He says that it'll take weeks to process.

Tony is on his computer. He says that if they bypass the mainframe and direct a reroute to the homer cluster, they can clock it around 600 teraflops.

Bruce says that all he packed was a toothbrush.

Tony says that he should come by Stark tower. He says that the top 10 floors are all R&D and says that Bruce would love it.

Bruce thanks him and says that the last time he was in New York he broke Harlem.

Tony says that he promises a stress free environment with no tension or surprises. He pokes Bruce with an electric prod.

'Hey!' Steve berated as he walked in, 'are you nuts?'

'Jury's out', Tony scanned Bruce like a hawk, 'you really have a lid on it, don't you Doc? What's your secret? Meditation, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?'

Steve glowered at Tony. 'Is everything a joke to you?'

Tony-'Funny things are.'

He opened a bag of pretzels. 'Want one?'

'Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny.' Steve reprimanded before turning to the bespectacled man, 'No offense doctor.'

Bruce-'It's alright. I wouldn't have volunteered if I couldn't handle pointy things.'

Tony chuckled lightly.

Tony-'You're tiptoeing, big man. You need to strut.'

Steve-'And you need to stay focused on the problem, Stark.'

Tony-'You think I'm not? Why did Fury call us now? Why not before? I can't solve the equation until I have all the variables, Cap.'

Steve-'You think Fury's hiding something?'

Tony-'He's a spy, Captain. His secrets have secrets. It's not just bugging me is it?'

Bruce-'I'm not...look I'm just here to do my work and.. .'

'Doc?' Steve pressed.

Bruce sighed 'The warm light for all mankind. Loki's jab at Fury about the Tessaract. I mean, who knows what SHIELD's even doing with the Tessaract in the first place?'

'I might have an idea...' a robotic voice echoed within the room.

Steve spun on the spot, guard raised as he watched what appeared to be a goo-like entity materialize from the computer.

Ben 10/The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now