Teatime in a Tale for Two

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King Hesseter's hold remained as he turned his head over his shoulder to stare at the young man leaning against the doors, arms folded across his chest with a peeved expression. A bitter resentment towards the other was etched across both of their faces. The sudden switch of intensity had my head swimming, struggling to keep up with the drastically changing events. I wonder if I'm just dreaming this entire day, I must've eaten something terrible before bed to cause such a scheme of odd and frightening imaginations. This just can't be real anymore.

The corner of the king's mouth twitched into a frown several times before he finally scoffed, "Prince Hendrix, I specifically informed you to remain occupied while I deal with this matter."

So he is royalty, a legitimate son to the crown at least.

The prince leaned away from the door to properly enter the room, the positioned soldiers quickly responding by closing the doors behind him in a faint click. The way he glided across the carpet was much more elegant than the king's short waddle, the pads of his boots barely making a sound against the royal red carpet. Despite dressing in the same attire, his was more form-fitted and better styled on his youthful features. Not to mention, he had a long, navy cape that trailed against his backside in plentiful folds that reeked an egotistical aroma.

He gently moved a red curl dangling along his temple to behind his ear, before folding both his ringed hands into his trouser pockets in relaxed movements, appearing not at all intimidated. In almost a teasing voice, he retorted, "This matter does not need to be silenced before even hearing her mission, and how could I even think in the study when you're barking about in here?"

In my peripheral, I could see the king's jaw tick. Can't he punish the prince for defying a direct order? It was a form of disrespect I'm sure nobody else could replicate. Instead, the King's hold lessened to my relief, stepping away from me to move directly in front of the prince. I immediately drew my hands to clutch at my aching jaw where pulses of pain waved across the skin, bone, and teeth. It wouldn't surprise me if there was an ugly purple bruise there by nightfall, prompting dozens of questions from mom. Despite that, I still wanted to return home more than anything and crawl into my warm bundle of quilts.

I'm not sure if the king's actions meant he wanted privacy in their conversation, but the room was so quiet that even a pin being dropped would turn a few heads. His voice wasn't a whisper either, more condescending and passive aggressive.

"Go along then, if you deem yourself more capable then please explain to Williams the quest she will be accompanying."

A quest?  What in the world is he talking about, I hadn't done anything to prove myself worthy of any royal task. I probably couldn't even fold the Queen's underskirts properly.

Prince Hendrix suddenly switched his gaze to me, first directly in my eyes and then casting it downwards to the hand encasing my jaw, his expression remaining indifferent. He hadn't even bristled at the king's insult. Before the king could speak again, the prince tipped his head to the side in the direction of the doors, signaling the king to leave. Oh?

After an awkward amount of time passed with the latter just standing there, likely in debate, he shoved past the prince and walked out in deadly strides. I found it all so odd, how the King didn't punish the prince for outspeaking him in front of me and his guards, making me question the whole power hierarchy within these walls. I thought the King was the most influential throughout the other nobles and royals, but perhaps I am mistaken and there is more than what meets the eye. Who was Prince Hendrix? What did he do to make the king even bow down to him?

The man himself adjusted his cape before maneuvering himself towards the seating area. Without looking at me, he raised his hand to gesture me to sit on the plush sofa, for which I graciously scurried over to. I wouldn't pass up the chance to sit on the same plush cushion royalty sat on, call me injudicious but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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