Two Souls, One Journey

13 7 3

I hate looking at old pictures of myself.

But not for the reasons you may think.

It's not because of the embarrassing hairstyles

Or the ridiculous outfits.

It's because I'm afraid of facing myself back then.

The little person in the photos who was so excited to see the world.

The one who wanted to befriend everyone.

Who always had a smile on her face where ever she went.

I have stolen her happiness.

I've misplaced her light.

I want to tell her I'm trying,

That it's hard searching for things in the dark.

But I can't bring myself to do it.

I'd rather ignore it.

That way I won't have to admit I've failed myself. 

Poems For The Lost Saddened Souls...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora