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Buffy Lane, June 21st 1989.

The outfit shown above is what Buffy is wearing (:

"Stay safe, Buffy," Rhiannon pecked me on the cheek, pulling back with a friendly smile. "And make sure to get phone numbers from attractive boys."

Jeane winked at me from behind Rhiannon, "You need to get a boyfriend- seriously. You need someone to look after you!"
I rolled my eyes, tucking my hair behind my ears before sticking dangly sun and moon earrings through the small holes. "I wont meet anyone good looking at a fucking Slaughter & The Dogs concert."

"Pfft," Rhiannon breathed out. "Sure you will!"
"I'm not liking your fake reassurance," I laughed, slipping into my Red Converse, though they were quickly turning brown from dirt and mud.

"What she's trying to say," Jeane pushed on, sticking a hairclip into my hair, "is that there's someone for everyone.. right?"
Rhiannon sighed aloud, shaking her head slowly: "Just go."

I hugged them both goodbye, checking out my outfit in the mirror again before leaving my apartment. Rhiannon was staying the night, however Jeane is meant to leave when I get back since she has family coming over early the next morning apparently.

In fact, Jeane is the one who got the tickets from her ex-boyfriend she broke up with last month. Jeane wasn't the biggest fan of Slaughter & The Dogs but knew that I was, and so gifted me with this absolute fucking blessing. The other ticket, one for Jeane and the other for her ex, was given to one of his friends- hopefully his friend doesn't somehow know me from Jeane.

Smiling to myself, I clambered into the taxi that had pulled up beside me a few seconds prior. I was so busy thinking that I hadn't realised I was waving my hand around frantically across the road.

"Where to darlin'." The middle-aged man asked, a fag hanging out of his mouth. His skin was pallid and his under eyes was sunken. The poor man looked anaemic or something, a sallow complexion and exhausted gaze reflecting this.

Slamming the door shut, I pulled the ticket out of my jacket pocket and examined it closely in the dim lighting from outside. "Uhh.. oh! It's just the small arena that used to be that dodgy nightclub. Just around the corner, really."

He nodded, flicking his cigarette onto the dull pavement, rolling the car along the road. It's a good thing that taxi's are relatively always around this area, mainly due to the fact that there is a record studio about a 10 minute walk away from here and singers always leave there drunk and unable to drive. Jeane would tell me all of these things, her ex-boyfriend was some kind of guitarist or something for an up-and-coming band. His name was John, but I just can't seem to remember his last name.

Honestly, Jeane and John were amazing together, he treated her like royalty and she treated him like her soulmate, but every good thing comes to an end. She acts as though she's fine with the break up and all, but she's suffering deeply on the inside; she wont even tell Rhiannon and I about why they broke up and who engaged it. Rhiannon said that she had tried to get in contact with John about it, Jeane just isn't the same without him- he made her who she is today, but he wouldn't answer Rhiannon's calls.

5 Minutes Later-

Considering it was summertime, it was really quite dark outside, though it was probably because it was half 10 at night and the only illuminance was coming from the warm-toned lamp posts that cause nothing but injuries to drunken sods.

When I said that it was only 'round the corner, it was a complete understatement. He pulled the car to a halt, muttering something to himself lowly before turning back in his seat.

"You don't have to pay me, it was literally a five minute drive, if even that." The man stated. He flashed me his yellow teeth and nodded his head to the door I was leant on.

"Thank you.. and sorry for causing you this trouble. I didn't even read the ticket so I didn't realise it was this close."

"Don't worry, keep safe, yeah?"
"Yeah, thanks again." I shot him a grateful look, climbing back out of the taxi with a slight struggle. I was wearing high waisted flare jeans and a white top with a short-sleeved scoop neck top. It wasn't anything fancy by any means, but it was enough to 'turn some heads' as Jeane says.

"Can I see your ticket miss?" A gruff voice shook me from my thoughts once again, a large, bulky man staring down at me seriously. They were certainly common enough in Manchester to tell the difference between a Bouncer and a commoner.

"Yeah," I murmured, showing him the ticket I dug out of my jacket pocket.

"Right, you can go in." He shooed me on hurriedly, his co-worker opening the door for me with a grin planted upon her face.

Slaughter & The Dogs were very popular in this region of Manchester; I don't know about the rest of the country, however. This particular concert may even be their last- that's the only good reason that John and Jeane broke up.

As I stepped into the old Night Club and into the new venue, a tingling warmth shot through my body, whether it was from pure excitement or the general body heat, I'm not sure. The stage looked spacious, with all the equipment lined up for when S&TD come onto the stage, and there was even a bar to the side that was selling Lagers and other pints of warm orange liquid that tasted like absolute filth.

It wasn't as full as I thought it would be, and it looked like it was lacking bathrooms as well as lights that were bright enough to actually make a difference to the ill-lit room. The jacket I was wearing had a painted picture of The Beatles on the back, a brave thing to wear to a S&TD concert, I wouldn't put it past these people to pick up on it, especially in the mosh pit.

Everybody was crowded around the stage expectantly, drinks in their hands with low chatter going through the muted room. It can't be long until they come on..

A guitar strummed, the microphone quietly screeched. The chatter was cut short and silence cascaded the room swiftly. I shoved my way stealthily to the front, even having to crawl through peoples legs to get to my desired spot. I stood up in between a few lads around my age, the stench of sweat and drunk breath already breaching my senses unwillingly; I couldn't help but pull a disgusted face.

The lights previously had dimmed, and so the stage was in complete darkness- hell, the whole room was in complete darkness.


A/N : 1.1k words :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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