The New Gods

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"Hello? Is someone there? I have my taser... I'm not afraid to use it!" Margo gasped gripping her bag and turning towards the crack that came from behind her.

"Cálmate! Its just me." Kaela responded stepping out from behind large grey rocks.

"Who are you, did you follow me here?" Margo gasped at the end, stepping back a few inches.

"What, why would you say that? No I didn't follow you, why would I follow you? I don't even know you. Who are you?" Kaela wondered, her voice getting louder as she got defensive.

"I asked first... besides you're asking too many questions?" Margo sighed before turning around slowly, "I am Margo le Fey."

"I- I'm Kaela. Kaela Reyes. Le Fey?" Kaela questioned

"You're familiar?" Margo side eyes, still gaping at the large walls of the cave. Noticing strange carvings and symbols faintly embedded into the limestone.

"Well this just got weirder." A deep voice said, suddenly appearing at the entrance with a faint flashlight.

"Leíf? How did you find me? Did you lead him hear?" Margo questioned pointing to her face , her face contorted and her eyes softened as Leíf got closer.

"Leíf?" Kaela acknowledged.

"Yes, it's scandinavian. It means heir or-"

"Descendant." Finished Kaela, shyly looking around at her surroundings.

"Yeah" Leíf stared at Margo as she pretended to look blindly at her shoes. She knew he was staring but she couldn't bring herself to look at him again. Not after what she did. Leíf continued to stare, he knew he still loved her but, the last he saw her was in high school and he wasn't sure how she felt still. Besides, he was drawn here for some reason. He couldn't explain how but everything that happened today led him to this moment and he wasn't sure why.

"I am very familiar with the Margo le Fey," Leíf admitted smirking as Margo coughed, choking on her saliva, "But with you, I am not. Leíf Fitzgerald, pleasure to formally meet you."

"Im K-"

"This is Kaela, my friend. We were just sightseeing and got a little lost, we should be heading back now. Someone is waiting for us. Let's go Kaela." Margo hastily locked arms with Kaela and started marching towards the caves entrance when she stopped preemptively. A dark and tall shadowy-figure emerged and forced them to slowly back up.
The shadow crept forward slowly, the deafening silence getting louder as it grew.

Margo reached inside her bag and Kaela untied a long silver-string bracelet from her wrist as Leíf positioned himself in front of the two.

Sounds of laughter caused them to send each other questioning glances as the shadowy figure split into two and emerged from the entrance. A tall and dark, bronze skinned man with glasses stood quietly next to a young, beautiful, olive brown skinned woman with curly black hair.

"Sorry did we interrupt a private party?" Yamil mumbled, turning his head, as if hoping not to see anything indecent.

"No!" Kaela and Margo screeched together, frantically looking back and forth between themselves.

"See I told you we're fine, Yamil." The girl looked next to her and back in front, "We both were just wondering out in the woods when we stumbled along this place..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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