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Greetings, my name is Julia Kragenheim. My friends call me Jules, but for simplicity's sake, we'll stick with Julia. This is a diary appreciating and admiring women in my life while stuck in a man's world. Let me explain.

I'm 25 years old, soon to be 26, and married to my wonderful husband, Oscar. He's such a charm, I couldn't ask for better, truly. I must admit, however, that I didn't marry him for love. I married him just after my 23rd birthday when my love interest at the time was in Australia. I couldn't have her at my wedding, it'd have been too painful.

If you haven't guessed, I'm not heterosexual. I'm a lesbian. I married a man because I was forced to by both my parents and his. He actually happens to be pansexual and aromantic, and genuinely has no interest in being my husband. But, because of money and religious reasons, he was forced to marry and woman, and I a man. We agreed to marry legally, but not beyond that. Neither of us wear our wedding bands unless we're attending family get togethers, and we've both had many affairs over the years. We sleep in separate rooms. Really, we're more like legally bound roommates. And we're both okay with that.

That being said, as a tribute to the women I'd love to date and marry but can't, I'm writing in this diary about 26 women I'd be more than content being in a lifelong relationship with. It'll be organized in A-Z order, starting with a very special Alana Hestor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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