Should i continue this?

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We carried my trunks inside and Ariana was going to leave.
"You can stay in here you know. I want to get to know you more." I say.
"Oh. Ok what would you like to know." She asked.
"Well. This might come off weird. But what was your childhood like?" I asked. Her expression turned into shock. Then sadness.
"Well. I was put into foster care at a young age..." she said, starting to look more and more upset.
"Oh I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."
"No. It's ok. Do you want me to tell you the full story?" She asked as I put clothes away into my dresser, I put my phone on the desk and plugged it into a charger.
"Only if you feel comfortable." I said. She sighed.
"Alright. My parents were very poor. They wanted to give me the world...However, my mom got very sick... the disease was deadly and contagious. He couldn't pay for her recovery with me to feed and care for. It was either send me into foster care ... or... let mom die. The choice was obvious to him. It took 4 more years until I was adopted by my father. His wife died when they were young. He was distraught but I brought him happiness. I enjoyed the fact that I was more than an extra mouth to feed...And that's how I ended up here." She said. It took me a few moments to realize she was crying.
"Ariana. I'm sorry." I said pulling her into a hug. She cried into my shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry this is so unprofessional." She said through her tears as she hugged me.
"Ariana. Roommates aren't supposed to be professional. Their supposed to be like friends." I said as I calmed her down. I rubbed my hand along her back and felt her breathing slow. She rested her head on my shoulder. She fell asleep in my arms. I held her there for a while before I picked her up and put her in her bed. I finished putting my stuff away and realized it was  5:30 PM. Most people have dinner at this time. I thought. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator that somehow worked perfectly. I found a steak, with lettuce tomato and other things fit for a salad in the pantry. Steak and salad it is tonight. I'll explore the town tomorrow. I thought. I defrosted the steak and made the salad. I realized Rivers water bowl was empty so I filled it.
"Jayden...what are you doing?" Ariana said walking into the kitchen.
"Oh! I'm just cooking dinner. You feel asleep so I put you in your bed." I answered.
"Huh!? Oh my god I'm sorry for giving you such a burden to deal with." She said putting her palm to her head.
"Expressing emotions and being tired is not a burden. I assumed you were tired anyway. You seem to help so many people. But you may need help sometimes to." I said. She blushed a little. "Ok but let me cook the steak." She said.
"Nu-uh I'm cooking tonight. Now go sit in the living room and relax." I demanded. She obliged to my orders and positioned herself on the couch.
"Jayden...since I told you my story. What was yours." She said looking back at me.
"What do you mean Ariana?" I asked, I was confused on what she meant. My story. The hell. I thought.
"Why did you come here. What was your childhood like...after..." she asked. At this time the steak was already on the stove. It was coming close to being done. The sizzling of the steak filled the room that became still. Even river stopped winding himself around my legs as I cooked.
"Oh...Well after my mom went missing...and my dad...passed. I was also sent into foster care... I was never adopted. Only passed around from family to family. Until I turned 18 and came here. I got a few jobs. One family was nice enough to help buy my car. But why I'm here...Well I assumed that would be obvious. I want to know what happened to my mom. I won't settle for she went missing and we can't find her. I won't settle for no answers. I need to know what happened to her." I said. By this time the steak was done. At the table we decided to have a more polite conversation. Talking about music, hobbies, friends, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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