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INFO angst
fluff at the end🌸

you sat on the couch, feeling lifeless as usual. your bestfriend Felix has been dead for a month now. it hasn't got better. your boyfriend isn't coping with it in a good way. he's been drinking his problems away and yelling until he's satisfied. but you knew it wasn't on purpose.

you looked up as the door slammed closed.  "I'm back." chan mumbled as he placed his keys on the table. "I couldn't tell." you muttered as you turned on your phone. chan opened the cabinet and poured some wine.

"chan can you not drink for one night?" you said getting up. "can you stop telling me what to do for one night?" he said pouring the glass. you were already pissed off and didn't need to hear him. you grabbed the wine glass and began to pour it out. "what the fuck?!" he grabbed your wrist harshly and slammed you against the fridge. you just looked at him with tired eyes and a disappointed frown.

"why do you fucking care so much? you drive me so fucking crazy, you're lucky i haven't joined him."

your eyes widened at the words that he so confidently said. tears began to well in your eyes thinking about him dying with Felix. "fuck you then." you whispered as you twisted your wrist out of his grasp.  he stood there and you could see the regret in his expression. his mouth was slightly parted with a tight fist.

you turned on the shower water on hot and took off your clothes. and tossed same grey sweatpants and black tank top you wore everyday onto the ground. you looked in the mirror and looked at your dreadful state. your appetite is ruined and it made you look at life completely different. you stepped into the shower and enjoyed the feeling of hot water on your skin. you flinched as you heard the door open. "it's just me." chan whispered as he leaned against the wall. "what do you want." you said pouring shampoo on your hands.

"i'm really pissed off. and i didn't mean what i said. I know that was awful to say." he said with a loud sigh. "whatever chan. same shit different day." you said massaging your head. he bit the inside of his cheek and began undressing.

you sighed when you heard his clothes hit the floor. you didn't take sex as an apology. he got into the shower and looked at you with bloodshot teary eyes. you looked at him and felt your heart break at his state. it doesn't matter if you were mad at him, he still loved you and you still loved him. that's unconditional love.

he softly grabbed your arm and pulled you to his chest. "i know you're going through it. and I'm not helping. p-please let me show you how much I care..." he stuttered. you nodded and laid your head down on his chest. he wrapped his arms around your waist and sniffled into your shoulder. "chan?" you looked at him and tilted his chin up. he never cried in front of you. "please don't cry." you said cupping his cheek in your palm. "I'm really sorry for saying that." he said as a warm tear rolled down his face.

he kissed your lips softly as you ran your hand through is wet curly hair as he hyperventilated."breathe." you whispered. all the stress he built up over the month was finally pouring out. "I love you baby." he said as he kissed you.

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