Chapter 2: Forever Changed

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"Important personnel are reporting that these disappearances are not true, based on the information that was given to the public, these people are not just disappearing, but are being taken to a facility. More on this information up next."

With your eyes wide and heart pumping, you clutch your phone tightly in your hand. Not wanting to let go of the safety that you feel with it being close to you.

What does that even mean? You think. Your head is spinning with the possibilities. Your imagination getting the best of you at times.

"It's ok Y/N... this is all just one of those crazy stories that they tell people to have them cause panic. They get more control that way." You say, trying to get the thoughts now plaguing your mind to leave.

You turn off the television quickly before the news women could get another word in. You couldn't think about that right now, there's no use in overthinking something that is probably just a rumor and has no facts attached to those statements.

Looking into the kitchen you clean up your dishes from breakfast and decide to take a breather by driving around. Always seems to clear my head, listening to music and going nowhere is a luxury now a days.

You picked up your keys to your old 1990 ford pickup and head to the front door. Little do you know that outside has changed rapidly.

Your feet carried you to the front door where you turned the doorknob. Stepping out, you immediately shielded your eyes from the harsh winds that carried dust and debris. Looking through your windswept hair towards the sky, you saw lights. Search lights.

What is going on!? Gasping as you turn and look at your backyard, it's covered is dust. Helicopters flying overhead with their thundering engines and blades pushing air down towards your neighborhood. It looked like a battleground.

You rushed inside locking the doors to your house and making sure each window in sealed and covered with blinds. You rushed over to your seat in front of the television and flipped on the power. Pictures of your neighborhood and the surrounding were on the news.

REPORTS OF DISTURBING EVIDENCE FOUND IN DOCILE NEIGHBORHOOD. The women on screen, the same one as before, appeared on the side of the screen visibly upset from the information she was given to read.

"The police and ems workers are giving us information based on what they know. Now we will be hearing from some of those workers who are keeping us and our families safe."

"Thank you Natalie, we have here police sherif Harrison Merges with a report on the findings." He hand the mic to the sherif. The sherif has a commanding presence and a calm demeanor. He speaks fluidly and with great confidence.

"It is my duty to make known to the public when a situation is not safe for our community, and it is with my most sincere regret that I come to inform the people of Dahlonega Georgia that they should proceed with the upmost caution when traveling. Do not go anywhere that you are not familiar with and do not go out to places with people or groups that you do not know. The things that we have found here are not to be trifled with. This situation needs to be taken seriously." He ends the report by giving a short nod to someone off camera. He turns around swiftly followed by 6 men in full SWAT gear. The group arrives at one of the houses down the street and enters the door.

"And with that, we take it back to you in the station Natalie." The reporter nods and the women from before come back.

At this point, your mind is numb, numb to everything. You know one thing for sure, you're never going to get over this. You're forever going to be changed and your life was just flipped on it's head in the matter of an hour.

You reach for you phone and call your mother. She picks up without even the first ring being completed.

"Honey are you ok? I just saw the news report, isn't that your neighborhood?" Her voice is shaky and you can tell she has been crying.

"Yeah mom, it is." Your eyes peered into nothingness as you answered your mother.

"Honey, I want you to listen to me carefully. Do not leave your house, and if you do, come only here. Do not go anywhere else. Call me hourly or at least within two hours. I want to know you're safe."
"Yeah mom, I will. I'm so confused ri........" your voice was drowned out by another helicopter flying dangerously close to your house. Feeling as if your house was shaking you go to your room, crawl into the covers and keep the phone in your hand.

"Mom, I'm going to have to call you back, I need to make sure my house is secure. I love you so much, I wish dad was still here, he would know what to do." You speak slowly with a slight hint of sadness.

"I know dear, I wish he was here too. But ok, call me back as soon as you can ok? I'll be keeping an eye on the news too. I love you so much dear."
"Love you too mom, bye."

You look at the clock; 7:55am. Looking outside it seemed like it was already 8 o clock at night. So much dust and debris was scattered over your once peaceful and relaxing view. You scanned the tree line as before, and then you saw it. Something that you never wanted to see, but didn't know you would ever see it in real life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys! It me again! Hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I really think that this is going to become a very thrilling book so if you stick around.... It's only just the beginning, next chapter is going to be even more intense.. and you'll be able to meet a new character as well! Stick around to find out! But anyways... I'll be back!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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