Ice Princess

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They were still giddy from the excitement of their impromptu performance, so they went for a walk outside in the cold, sparkling air.

"You have an awesome voice," Jughead said. "You're a singer, right?"

Betty shrugged. "Just the church choir is all." She smiled and admitted. "I tried to do a solo and nearly fainted."

"Why's that?" He asked, surprised.

He shook his head at the memory. "I took one look at all the people staring only at me, and the next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career."

"The way you sang just now, that's hard to believe," he said sincerely.

"This is the first time I've done something like this," he answered.

Jughead knew how he felt. "Completely," he agreed.

"You could like you've done a lot of singing, too," she said.

"Oh, sure, lots," he said jokingly. "My showerhead is very impressed with me."

At that moment, everyone around then started chanting in unison. "Ten! Nine! Eight! . . ."

The New Year's Eve countdown had begun.

Jughead and Betty glanced at each other, then just as quickly looked away.

"Seven! Six! Five! Four! . . ."

This was a magical night, Betty thought, wishing it would last longer.

I can't believe I didn't want to come to this party, Jughead thought. This was awesome!

"Three! Two! One!"

Everyone began chanting and blowing out their noisemakers. Fireworks burst in the sky in showers of red, gold, and blue. Everyone was celebrating–but Jughead and Betty were suddenly feeling awkward.

People kiss each other on New Year's Eve, Jughead thought. Should I—?

It's a tradition to kiss when the clock strikes midnight, Betty thought. Will he—?

Neither one moved. After a few seconds, she smiled and said, "I guess I'd find my mom and wish her Happy New Year."

Jughead nodded. The spell was broken, and he was a little relieved. "Me, too," he said. "I mean, not your mom—my mom...and dad. I'll call you tomorrow."

He pulled out his cell phone, quickly snapped a picture of her, then handed him the phone.

"Put your number in."

Betty grabbed her own phone and handed it to him. "You, too—"

They quickly switched phones and tapped in their numbers. Then Betty turned to leave. Jughead stopped her.

"Singing with you was the most fun I've had this vacation," he said sincerely. "Where do you—"

Another series of fireworks exploded overhead, drowning out whatever he was saying.

Betty was already at the stairs. She waved back, smiling, then vanished. Jughead stood absolutely still, gazing after her.
A week later, school had started again at Riverdale High School. It was the first morning back after winter vacation, and the scene was bedlam. Kids were piling out of buses, yelling at each other, showing off new clothes.

As Jughead entered the courthouse, under the banner that read "Happy New Year, Bulldogs," other students gave him fives, low fives, and side fives.

His friend and basketball teammate Archie Andrews came up to him, yelling, "Yo, doggie! Jughead, my hoops boy!"

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