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From hard, jagged mountains to calm hills of grass,

Through clouds that reach high to waters that flow below,

I can see the sun and horizon through my looking glass.

I can feel the northern winds pass through me and flow.

Simple calls of hatchlings and harsh yells of the wolves,

Both are very different in this world we call home.

I see how our natural home likes to move

Around the sun as I sleep in my cozy dome.

Everyone else has left, abandoning their beautiful home.

They all left to invent more to give harm

To the home we once knew. O' will I wait for heroes to come?

Or will I stay to die on my own farm?

Only my decision to make and only mine.

Why can't I tell everyone we are destroying where we live?

Maybe they think with their enhanced minds they will be fine.

But that means no one will remember or teach how to feel alive.

I guess I'll stay here in this beautiful place I call home.

I'll explore more of it as I wander alone.

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