The aftermath and an unnecessary question

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(A/N: So uhm... I'm face-to-face classes now, and I'm making another story called "How Baby joined the Suicide Squad" it's actually gonna be a rewritten version from AO3, cause the writer of that story updated in 2020 and I've officially lost my patience, it's a crossover of a new fandom I joined, Edgar Wright's 2017 Baby Driver and my favorite DC movie, David Ayer's 2016 Suicide Squad.)

Third person POV:

Delkira was using healing magic to, obviously, heal Iruma's wounds. Everytime he uses it though Iruma either winces or groans in pain, it was like putting on rubbing alcohol or alcohol gel on a wound or cut, it helps heal the wound but is a very very painful process.

"How are you feeling Iruma?" Delkira asked, quietly. 

"The wounds hurt..." Iruma said in reply. 

"I know Iruma" Delkira pulls his adoptive son into a gentle hug, as to not irritate or infect the cuts on Iruma, "I know.." These words were spoken quietly and softly. 

"You should rest" Delkira managed to only healed a few cuts and bruises but like I said it was a very painful process. Iruma nods and lays his head on his pillow. 

Delkira quietly left the room and the moment he exited Iruma's room he was met by Iruma boyfriend Asmode-.. uhm... Can't say that yet... That'll spoil the smut.... *cough* *cough*

Let's redo that... Take #1.

Delkira quietly left the room and the moment he exited Iruma's room he was met by Iruma's friend Asmodeus. 

"Ah, hello Asmodeus" Delkira greeted the younger one. 

"Hello sir, is Iruma-sama, alright?" Asmodeus asked, worried about his hus- GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT STOP SPOILING FUTURE CHAPTERS!! 

Redo again!! Take #2.

"Hello sir, is Iruma-sama, alright?" Asmodeus asked worried about his master, now friend, Iruma. 

Delkira smiled and said "yes, he is just resting" to reassure the pinkette, for some reason the term pinkette makes me think more of Akaza than Azu- OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE AUTHOR-SAN STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL! 

REDO! Take #3.

Delkira smiled and said "yes, he is just resting" to reassure the pink-haired teen, *cough* still reminds me of Akaza *cough*.

Asmodeus sighed in relief, knowing that his- AUTHOR-SAN DO NOT MESS THIS UP! 

Take #4

Asmodeus sighed in relief, knowing that his... Friend and master  *wink, wink* Is safe.  

"I'm glad you and Iruma became friends, Asmodeus. As far as Iruma told me, he has never made a real friend before" Delkira explained and said to Asmodeus. 

"All of those faking to be Iruma-sama's friends are fools to pretend" The younger one of the two said. 

"Yeah, they are. They really, really are" Delkira said smiling at Asmodeus. Azu looked at the demon king and seemingly wanted to ask something. 

"What is it Azu?" The demon king asked. 

"Do you plan on becoming the official demon king, again?" Asmodeus asked, staring at the ex-demon king. 

Delkira stared, eyes wide open and dumbfounded by Asmodeus' question and several other questions pop in his own head. 

  Does he plan on it?

 What will the 13 crowns say?

 What will Sullivan think about it?

What will happen to Iruma if he does become the demon king again?

Will more demons hurt Iruma?

And an unnecessary question pops in his head. 

Is Poro going to be revived by demons who hate Delkira 's guts?... 

My new demon dad is an irresponsible idiot •𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن