What just happened?-Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, it's my first time writing a FanFic so I really hope you all enjoy it. Also for those of you who don't know POV stands for Point Of View. Enjoy.
Amina Yousaf a beautiful young girl, who was 20 years old, was studying to be a teacher. She lives in London, England.
She was an independent girl. Even though she lived on her own in a flat, she would go and meet her parents every weekend. She went to Highfield College. With a part-time job of a cashier in 'Forever 21' her life was just like she wanted it to be. Every night her friends would come to her house and have fun while she just sits in a corner and reads however, once she leaves her books then no one can beat her at talking.
It was around 10pm and she was starving and to make it worse she had nothing to eat.None of her friends would go outside with her to by something so she decided to go own her as she couldn't to tolerate the hunger anymore.

Amina's POV
Oh my days, I just don't believe this my friends are so annoying, I just don't even know why they are my friends. I quickly put on my coat and made sure I had the keys. "Guys, I'll be back in about 20 minutes!" I shouted as I left the house. I really didn't feel like driving so I decided to take the bus. After getting on the bus it took me about 5 minutes to reach the pizza place. I ordered 2 large pizzas as I thought that my friends might also be feeling hungry. I waited a long time for the pizzas and when I finally had them I left the shop. The bus was taking ages to come so I decided to walk home. I wasn't actually sure about it but then I had to get home so I walked. The night sky was clear and there were hardly any people outside, which scared me even more. After 5 minutes of continuously walking I stopped. How could I be so stupid? I literally stopped at a point where there was absolutely no one apart from this one freaky looking guy. I started walking again because I didn't like the thought of being alone on a road with a man, who looked drunk. My heart was racing so fast that I thought it might fall out. I increased my speed as I could feel the man walking behind me. After walking for about 2 minutes I felt a hand on my wrist. Oh my gosh! No, please God help me. I turned around. It was him, the freaky person. He had a scar on his face and he looked quite old. "Leave my hand," I shouted. He smirked. I started yelling for help. " Help! Someone please help me!" No one was coming and the guy was coming closer and closer to me. I closed my eyes tightly hoping for someone to come. Just then I felt someone grab my other arm. Someone pulled me. I opened my eyes and I saw another man. I couldn't see his face as he was facing the old man. Thank God someone came to help.

Zayn's POV
I was just walking on the streets listening to music when I heard some screaming for help. It was coming form the road, which was in front of me. I ran. I saw a man holding a girl's wrist. I couldn't see his face but I did see the girl's face. Her long black silky hair was tied into a neat ponytail with a side-fringe. Her eyes were tightly closed and she was trying keep her face away from the man. At that very moment I realised what real beauty was actually like...however, right at the moment instead of admiring her I had to help her. So I ran up to them and grabbed her by her arm and pulled her behind me. She was wearing short sleeved shirt with jeans. Her skin was as soft as a teddy bear. I was about to punch the man but I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "No, please don't punch him" a sweet voice came from behind me. I turned around. It was her but why was she telling me not to punch him? He was trying to harass her and she tells me not to punch him! What is wrong with her? I gave her a confused look. "Look, if you punch him then that will be assault and you could probably get arrested for that and then I'll feel guilty because you would've punched him for my sake." She just blubbered out. "Um...you see I'm no-" I was about to say something but I was interrupted by her. "Oh, I know you are not doing it for my sake, you would've done the same for any girl but you see right at this moment I'm the girl so technically you would do it for me, so please don't" I let out a little laugh. "You weird girl," I said to her and then turned to the man, whom I was holding by the collar. "This time she stopped me but if I ever see you again trying to do the same thing to another girl, trust me I will stop your heartbeats!" I threatened him. I let go off him and he ran away. I turned back to the girl and asked her "Are you okay?" She nodded and said, "Thanks to you," with a smile. I think she doesn't know who I am. Well at least she won't go crazy. I mean I love all the fans really but right at the moment I just wanted to walk calmly and enjoy the fresh air. I started to walk away putting my head phones back on, when I heard someone running behind me. Not a moment later the same girl was walking right next to me. I took off my headphones and gave her a confused look. I mean I just wanna peacefully enjoy the fresh air and she keeps disturbing me. "My name is Amina Yousaf and you are.........." she introduced herself and wanted to know my name. Now she was walking with me. "Um... You don't know who I am?" I questioned a bit surprised but then again not everyone in the world has to know who Zayn Malik is. "What do you mean 'you don't know who I am?' Like if I knew I'd be standing here asking for your name," she said in a funny voice. I just looked at her blank. Even though she's a bit annoying I have to admit she is kind of cute. She looks really beautiful even though she doesn't have make up on.
"My name is Zayn Malik."

Amina's POV
"My name is Zayn Malik." Finally he told me his name. I have to admit this guy is really really good looking. His black shining hair is going up perfectly in a quiff, his eyes glow like diamonds and his eyelashes are just amazing, he is just really handsome. Okay I need to stop thinking about his looks. "I have definitely heard that name somewhere but I can't remember where," I tell him thinking deeply about where I have heard his name. To be honest I think I've actually seen him before but I can't seem to remember.

Zayn's POV
Well at least she has HEARD of my name even if she can't remember where. I think I should tell her. "You see, I-" she interrupted me once again. I actually don't think she ever lets someone finish their part of the conversation, come to think of it I don't think she has conversations at all because as of what I know in a conversation there are two people talking but looking at her I think she wouldn't let someone talk when she has something to say. "Just wait, I am trying remember your face," she said in a squeak. "What?" I say shocked at the way she spoke. "Oh, no-no, that came out wrong, basically I know I have seen you somewhere but I can't remember, Sorry," she apologised and by the looks of it I think she is thinking really hard about who I am but I am going to leave it as a mystery. "Can I have your number?" She says out of random. I look at her one eyebrow raised. "Oh gosh! I literally have to explain everything to you,"she said annoyed. I laughed at that. "You see, you helped me and I want to do something for you in return, so if I have your number or you have mine then that job will be easy," she explained. I really don't wanna keep listening to her, I just wanna relax. "If I give you my number, will you leave me alone?" I ask her. " Yeah, sure," she replied but I still doubt it. I gave her my personal number I just don't know why. My personal number was only for my family and the boys but I just gave to a girl who I don't even know that much. "I've saved your number and now I am going to call you on the phone and all you have to do is save it and then I'll be gone." She explained. I saved her number as 'Annoying Amina'. "Okay, bye see ya, I live on that street,so bye," she said pointing towards a street, which was on the other side of the road. She smiled at me. After she crossed the road she looked back at me and waved bye. I also waved back. I don't know why but I felt like I had a connection with her. I have never had this feeling before. I bet I'm just thinking too much about it.
Amina's POV
I waved bye to him and he waved back.
I don't know why but I felt like I had a connection with him. I have never had this feeling before. I bet I'm just thinking too much about it.
Amina and Zayn both had this strange feeling, which they've never had before. Both of them thought that it's nothing important but what they didn't know was that THEY were going to become something really important for each other.
I really hope you liked the first chapter. Please vote it and give you feedback. Thanks.

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