Chapter 0.01 <The DreamSMP.

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Boom. I turn my character around slowly revealing Wilbur standing in front of a large hole in the ground. "William Gold, you shall tell me exactly what happened before I kill you and burn down your house." I say in a monotone voice
"Well, Luvena Gold. I blew up your house. What are you gonna do about it?" He chuckled and I equipped my Netherite Sword with enchantments and got in a fight stance "Wilbur, you done fucked up." I slashed a cut down his stomach and got ready to block any of his moves.
"Luvena... I thought we were friends, siblings even." He pulled out his Sword, an exact copy of mine since he paid me to make it for him, he cut my arm and went for my throat, but was stopped. Tubbo and Tommy stood on either side of me with their swords drawn with Tubbo's stopping Wilbur from cutting me.
"Wilbur, what has gotten into you! That's your Fucking sister! And you- you blew up her house she worked hard for!" Tubbo exclaimed as Wilbur's expression turned blank.
"Well, maybe if she didn't blow up Las Nevadas, we wouldn't be here right now." He said while pushing his sword closer to my throat while Tubbo pushed it back with his while Tommy did the same.
" You blew up your own nation! How could you let yourself do that but feel betrayed when your sister blows up someone else's nation?!" Tommy exclaimed
" Honestly, kind of fucked up." I say while Tommy and Tubbo nodded and Wilbur death glared me.


Me, Tommy and Tubbo were in Philza's house getting bandaged up. I have a cut across my stomach multiple cuts across my arm same with the top part of my thigh. I winced at the pain as Philza rubbed the alcohol swab across my stomach.
"It'll be okay, just breath in, and breath out. It only hurts for a few seconds." He said as he grabbed the bandage and wrapped it around me. Tommy was holding my hand and I swear I was holding on for dear life.
"Luvena, my hand- Why are you hold it so tight- Jesus Christ-" Tommy said while I chuckled and loosened my grip.
"Sorry Tom, it hurts like a bitch" I said while looking up at him.
" It's fine I just didn't expect you to have such a strong grip" He slightly smiled while Philza stood up and threw the rubbish in the bin.
" Your all good for now, just don't be too hard on yourself."Phil said while he patted my shoulder. I let go of Tommy's hand and hugged Phil, I eventually let go and excused myself  to walk to my house before realising, I didn't have one. Turning around I spoke.
"Could I stay at your house while I rebuild my house, Tommy?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure I should have another bedroom at mine" He replied, I just smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks Tom, your the best!" I smiled and headed off to his house.

Real Life

I exited the game, ended stream and also left the discord call as told, I took off my headset and walked out into the kitchen, looking for something to make or eat.
"Cookie dough, chocolate chips, I could make cookies!" I grabbed the ingredients and started doing the things you would do to make the cookies. I placed the tray into the oven and set a timer for 1 hour and decided to put something on to pass the time. I turned on the TV and put (Fav Show) on.

Time skip!

As the episode came to an end the timer went off and I shot up to get the tray out of the oven.  The smell of freshly baked cookies floated through my apartment, over taking the lavender senct that lignered around. I took a bit into one of the cookies and was greeted with warm chocolate goodness, (Ew I hate that word please forgive me-) The cookies were really good! I decided to eat the rest of them with watching my show, so I did.

ashers typing....

HI LOVLIES HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! Make sure you eat, sleep and drink water. I know it's a short chapter but it'll get longer as chapters pass. MY SMOKE ALARM WENT OFF WHILE WRITING THE TIME SKIP AND I NEARLY SHAT MYSELF. my father was cooking so its pretty explanatory

Word count:703

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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