Over the years

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Over the course of 70 years Benji has had to watch as his little brother fought and fought against the agents, not giving up anything. Until one day they broke him, they broke him, and in turn broke Benji and they knew it. He watched as his brother lost himself, he had to watch as they messed with Bucky's mind until it was no longer his own. They did the same to him but he never broke and the mind control never worked on him. Not that they knew that, but he never left, he became the best assassin ever made. He felt unimaginable amounts of guilt as he was made to train his little brother, it pained him to hurt his brother but it needed to be done. Cyrofreeze is something that will always make Benji uneasy and it didn't help that they always put him in that ice capsule.

He was given the name Winter Spider, as they had altered his DNA when they experimented on him to be half spider, not only that but he had golden powers. Not only did he train the people at hydra but also girls in the Redroom, there he trained a young girl. Her name, Natasha. He thought of her as his daughter and she knew it, he called her little bird and always, always made sure she knew she was loved. Every night he would lay in the same cell as Bucky, itching to hold him but his little brother always freaked out. Not remembering that Benji was his older brother, there were times where Bucky allowed Benji to hold him. Those were the times he would gain back some memories and know that this man that he feels like he knows means no harm to him.

Benji had a metal leg after the agents amputated it in an experiment, that didn't really bother him. It was them amputating Bucky's arm and giving him a metal one that bothered him, because not only had they placed a chip into Bucky, but they had to take away his arm as well. Every time Benji saw Bucky's arm or his own leg, it would remind him of what he created as he was made to make the prosthetics and new weapons as the agents had found out how smart he was. Everything that made hydra powerful was all Benji's work. Benji was crushed when he heard the agents talking about Steve's death, his little stevie was gone and he never got to say goodbye or anything. He knew that if Bucky had his memories he'd be just as crushed because Steve meant everything to him.

He always planned on escaping hydra with Bucky and he knew just how he'd do it. They would escape when they were on a mission, because the agents weren't smart enough and sent them on missions together all the time. It was the perfect plan.

Cradling Bucky in his arms, as Bucky had allowed him to hold him. He leans down and kissed his head "I'm going to get us out of here Bucky I promise" he made a promise he wasn't going to break even if it cost him his life.

Bucky had fought and fought he really did. He didn't want to betray his brothers even though he didn't realise Benji was still alive, he knew Steve was and in no way was he about to give his brother up, and so he fought. He fought against the agents for 50 years. That was until they broke him. They broke him and he felt terrible, until he didn't feel terrible.

Because why should the winter soldier feel bad for helping his handlers. And who was this Bucky person that his trainer calls him at night in their cell.

There were times he'd get flashes of a person he feels like he knows, like something is buried deep in his mind but they're gone as soon as they come. As far as the winter soldier knows he has and always will be loyal to hydra, they made him who he is and he owes them his service in return. That's why he trains and trains and trains, trying to become the best but there is one person who he could never beat and that was his trainer. But something was off with his trainer, those eyes, he feels like he's saw those eyes before in his dreams and when he sees his reflection he notices those eyes. Are his eyes. The exact same.

There are nights, the nights when those flashes happen that his trainer who he shares a cell with, seems so familiar he just can't pinpoint where from. But when the person gets close enough to try and touch him, he allows it because for some reason he has a gut feeling that this man means no harm to him. The touch of the man is safe and gentle, loving even but not in a way between partners but siblings. Although the winter soldier has no family but hydra. The feeling is nice so he allows himself to be held.

It was on one of these nights, when his trainer was holding him, that just as Bucky was dosing off he heard him speak "I'm going to get us out of here Bucky I promise" and Bucky couldn't help but that small almost unnoticeable smile grace his lips. He believed his trainer and he was okay with that.

Ever since steve crashed that plane into the ocean his world has been just pitch black, he thought he was dead. So when he woke up in a bed with different clothes on than what he'd been wearing, he was confused. Until he wasn't and everything came crashing down on him. Benji was dead. Bucky was dead. He got up and ran barefoot out the building he was in and through the streets that were lit up.

He ran and ran nothing familiar to him, lights and cars everywhere, he was alone now. Black cars surrounded him as he looked left and right, trying to grasp any form of familiarity. It wasn't until a hand was placed on his shoulder, that he was snapped back to reality. He looked at the man that touched him, and stepped back not ready to be touched just yet.

"Cap, are you okay" the man with an eye patch asked him. Was he okay? He didn't know, he doesn't even know what year it is or how he's even alive. "I'm not dead?" Was all he was able to get out in his hazy mind trying to come to terms with everything.

"No cap you're not. I'm director Nick Fury of Shield and I need you to come with me" the man that now introduced himself as fury told Steve. And Steve nodded following the man into his car. And that was the beginning of his journey.

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